App for writing a book

Yeah, I've got both but when opening or importing a document 'asciidocFx' does some weird stuff on my machine.

Not sure what's causing it (prolly java), didn't look as I'm not really using it...... I'm not into writing books just yet. If I do, I think I'd go directly to 'latex'. :slight_smile:

"zettlr" has some downsides too in the correct rendering of markdown. As to exporting .... it uses 'pandoc' so 'epub' should be available. :thinking:

Anyway, I'm sticking to "typora" it caters for all my needs. :innocent:

On a sidenote:
Aciidoc(Fx) looks familiar to markdown but has very different settins/chars for special formatting.

  • Me I'm so used to markdown (and handy HTML tags) that I know them blindly. Asciidoc would become a mess in my hands requiring continual referencing of the cheatsheet i.e distraction

On top it feels strange using an app that requires python as well as java.....I'm not in the clear why the devs opted for that oter than platform independence for the GUI.

My take: Article/blog/webpage and simple book-creation is well serviced by markdown.
Asciidoc is a next level but for (professional) book writing I'd recommend latex.

That's weird, it can be a bug in asciidocfx / java, a rendering (gl) issue, or an OS issue, in any case I just did a fast test in a virtual box with the last iso of elive 3.8.35 , something is probably messed in your system :thinking: 3.8.35 is on the way and bookworm is next

that's the good thing of asciidocfx, its gui, you don't need to remember so you have most of the things on its wysiwyg, its is also very similar too

That's just my point ..... for real un-distracted work I don't want to have to use the mouse and have to look/focus on the menu bar to find a certain "action".... I want to do it all from the keyboard and keep my focus on the work itself.
I'm appalled whenever I see people working/typing and having to stop over and over to get something trivial done, like copy/pasting or printing. I suspect there's more time lost in looking for certain functions in a GUI than there is in writing/typing the whole document.

I'm failrly sure it is.
Also AsciidocFx has an issue (java) of restarting to a last remembered state, which is fairly silly if that last state is a freeze. I had to find and remove a lot of stuff to solve that. :face_with_head_bandage:

Finally, if writing an (e)book is the ultimate goal, I suppose this link says it all. :innocent:

And it's easy enough to convert asciidoc to markdown if need be.

We work in very different ways. I use a fountain pen and a typewriter most of the time. My camera is a 5x4 plate camera. Its the experience of creating not the end creation which I focus on. Rather than speed the process up I want to slow it down.
Computers have uses for sure and when I use digital photography its in a professional capacity. But I never look for a quick way to do anything usually. I have a relaxed life.
I still need to download the app. Im still making all my climbing notes on paper with my fountain pen. I need to get tje guide book onto the computer soon.

please report the issue / bug to their github repo, I already reported 2-3 bugs in the past, seems like they are not the best programmers :slight_smile: but let's at least keep the software on an usable form, these gui buttons are nice especially as reference for novice users but in the end people don't need the app at all, they can just use a plain editor writing on the asciidoc code, and formatting them to epub / pdf / html / etc from command line too

yes, markdown is more like a very basic structure, ascidoc is like very similar but offering more features, you can see easy that looking at the cheatcheet :slight_smile: