BeautyLine icons for Elive

Ok let's start from here: Elive / BeautyLine-icons · GitLab

In fact I think that you have directly access @triantares so you are a member of the organization, try it :thinking:

Check the Readme file (yes you can improve it) I have added a fast "usage" instructions in the top of it

now... packaging time! :happybounce:

NO! There's too much missing!

I had quite a few sym-links there that were altered ..... you need the previous repo.

Package ready available! :happy_dance:

apui gnome-icon-theme-beautyline

but the previous repo cannot be used because it needed to be started with the upstream branch before to start the modifications on 'main' :thinking: ok let me see if i can import your modifications in the new one...

but question is, I wanted you to do that in order to be the author of these changes, you want me to do them instead?

It did exactly that from my machine where I copied the KDE source + then changed symlinks.
You're actually doing nothing different.
The 'private repo' was the source.

No, I'll give it a go ..... I kept a list.

no... see the history: BeautyLine icons for Elive - #14 by Thanatermesis

the modifications happened before they were moved to their correct (tree) structure, the 'upstream' branch was not created and was not possible to be created from this point (where the icons are already modified, it must be set with the original icons), thats why I needed to rewrite the history (or to re-create the repo entirely, which is what i did now into the "Elive" organization)

ok, anyways now it is ready and the package too, it will be automatically updated (1-2-3 days delay) if you do changes on it, check the Readme entry I added to see how to do these changes

you can use meld with your old copies into this new one to import these changes :thinking: - yeah what I see is like 5-6 icons added/changed, meld should do it fast, you can commit them in a single commit if you want, just make sure they point to the correct link or similar things (git status, or gwd, or gwd --cached)

Not hurry but tell me when you finished with all your modifications, so i can start using that actual version (package is very light! that's so good!) in EliveRetro to continue its Dev with this new theme, which seems like to be much more complete than the previously used one

Nope getting rejected:

Writing objects: 100% (11/11), 757 bytes | 757.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 11 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project.
 ! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''

Being 'developer' is not enough ..... need to be set as 'owner' to be able to push

There's 2 symlinks and 4 icons coming.

if "developer" is not enough to do changes, what is the meaning of a developer? being a watcher? :rofl2:


developer can only do merge requests ..... I think it's strange too but we stumbled over that in the 'yad and AI' repos.

ok done

anyways now with all the "official things to use in elive" will be easier from the organization

Yep, me too, pushed what I needed to ...... there'll be more additions/changes coming .... I'm not really counting on the original source to change that much.
It does seem to be getting quite popular though. :thinking:

Yeah, this is the best solution to keep oversight.

Are you good at inkscape / vectorial design? :thinking:

'Good' is a difficult designation but ... Yes, I get by. I like working with inkscape albeit I do not do it enough to really get proficient.
My own 'custom icon' icon set is made with inkscape as are most of my designs.

Let's say 'typora', 'scribus' and 'inkscape' are my favourite tools when it comes to designing.

Because, worryingly the candy like icon sets are being used more and more by different distro's .... I think RetroWave should rethink it's icon-theme choice and really go a step further into the Retro aspect.

This is actually quite an interesting set (for RetroWave) I came across. Alas there's too few apps available and they're very intricate to make....maybe even a bit "over the top".

Uni-Versal-Union-Deck icon theme

I especially like the green dot/light on the lower part of the folder-icons (it doesn't look as good on a light background though). That shouldn't be too hard to replicate. :thinking:

As are these 3D ones .... albeit 'only' as bitmaps so quite a large repo:

Flat-No-More icon theme

And these are interesting in their own way too but do require 'resetting' your brain away from the eye-candy being offered by other themes. I like the simple approach:

Retro-Art icon theme

All icon themes are from the maybe there's more out there in the wild. :thinking:

And this one is sort of "middle of the road" between candy/sweet and retro albeit a bit low on available apps (fairly easily made though):

Cyberpunk-Technotronic icon theme

On a sidenote:
I just noticed that the "retrowave" widget theme makes the menu bar transparent when 'active' (which isn't nice) and 'retrowave-glow' does not.

  • Is this intentional?

his last one called cyberpunk-technotronic-icons can be found on github and is well maintained and still in development.

I think it'll be a good addition to Retro.

This is the diff on my systray icons...nice. :smiley14:

and cairo-dock is a whole new look

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yeah but note that more like "retro" (retro is already in many ways), it is more like in the retrowave topic (which means: neon-styles, retro-futuristic feeling, retrowave/synthwave music-style which will be the target/marketing impact, etc)

note also that the icons must be as intuitive as possible (and that's not easy, and its more a job of the default elive theme), looking at the uni-versal it looks pretty cool, mmh not very intuitive too, their transparent folders looks cool too

now im switching between Sweet/Candy and BeatyLine sets to compare them, i think its better the last one

im not sure, the original theme is like this, i noticed that too, the default used is "glow" (and glow looks better in fact), maybe the normal version should be removed from teh package :thinking:

I agree ... but somehow I also have the impression that 'cyberpunk-techno' is even better. Especially the way directories are shown and it looks like that the maintainer is very active on github.

I think we can have that icon set up and working in a day (i.e tomorrow) as I already borrowed a lot from there as a base for new icons.

BeautyLine is in use by other DEs ..... Cyberpunk-techno isn't. That by itself is already a good argument and on top I think that it's more intuitive than beautyline and candy icons.

If you think cyberpunk looks so good / special you can create a similar repo for it too (remember to start from the 'upstream' branch directly on the directory tree for the first commit and versioning set, then switch to 'main' to do your changes), so I can create a package for this one too :thinking: not sure if use it by default (needs to test it) but is true that can be more unique, in fact the colors are very similar among them (and retrowave looking)

I'll be looking into that later today .... it's 01.30 here, I'm going to bed

Actually Cyberpunk has a fixed magenta/blue gradient i.e less colors that the others which makes it easier on the eye. I am thinking of adding the lighter dot to the directories like in 'uni-versal' but not sure yet.... I'll sleep on it. :madness:

I think they look nice these directories, but you can try them and see how it looks like :thinking: i mean if they combines good... another option is to use the folders from sweet-purple, the folders on cyberpunk doesn't really look very nice lol

What about the evidence folder icons? :thinking: I always loved so much those folders: Compiling the Evidence file Manager on Elive 3.8 - #5 by Thanatermesis