Cairo Dock replacement / alternative in E16

I thought we talked about this already...

Well tint2 can be customized in a lot of ways ....... albeit that my personal preference for a dock is "plank" whilst keeping tint2 as a launcher as well as a systray container.

If I add "fdpowermon" and "indicator-diskman" to the systray I get a versatile and pretty functionality next to "nm-applet" and "keyboard-layout".

And after installing "diodon" as clipboard manager:

So don't call "tint2" --only-- a launcher. It can be lots and lots more! :eyepopping:
I expect it can do anything that Cairo-dock can do.

I'm still not sure whether I really want a full fledged panel/dock i.e a mac look....still looking for other solutions. :thinking:

The good thing about "tint2 "compared to either "plank" or "cairo-dock" is that it doesn't block a whole section of the screen. If you set it at i.e 60%, it leaves the remaining 40% usable (read clickable) for other stuff like the pager .... or whatever.

Well we could maintain 2 launchers albeit I take we don't really do much maintaining on "cairo-dock" ourselves and "tint2" and/or "plank" customization would be a one time thing.

I personally was thinking along the lines of offering 2 (or more) preconfigured Desktop customizations/options.

Something like: Standard Cairo-dock, Minimal Plank and Lightweight Tint2 based, E16 configuration.

  • All of them beautiful of course. :clown_face:

Not only at installation but a permanent feature to switch from or to ...... which could ultimately mean:

  • An own Elive customization application available for desktop look&feel as well as a hint to RAM usage on top of the existing E16 one"

Naturally this would require having "tint2" and "plank" (including their various skins/themes) preinstalled, wich by itself isn't a hard thing to do nor does it use up a lot of extra disk space. :thinking:

"rofi" launcher is very interesting too as it can be easily customized to the hilt, in any way we would want. :nod:

-- overall: --

E24 isn't going to be finished by a long shot yet and certainly not with Buster (or even Bullseye) so I think we should concentrate on E16 customization and make that our selling point ergo differentiation from all other distros.

If not, I suspect Elive will never grow a larger user-base and slowly "bleed" to death. :shocked: