E16 light theme customization

HOw to I get back on my feet ? LOL

Follow the instructions to get one of the other themes. The menus are there, but invisible.

  • right-click for "settings", then arrow-down, arrow-right (it'll show "desktops"), arrow-down to "themes" (it shows up) , arrow-right and blindly select a theme.

Thanks anyway.

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For now I would not advise anyone to install this gtklight theme ...... it's NOT working correctly on the desktop menu.

Could this issue be related to the changes that were made to the "e_gen_menu" script for the whitespaces in the menu names ? :thinking: Still looking for why this is happening. :face_with_head_bandage:

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no i dont think so, specially because there's no differences on it between themes

since this is a very unique issue to this theme, i suspect that the cause can be a strange conflicting file in the theme, let's say using old deprecated e16 theme, so the best would be inspect a bit each file included (or per-sections specifically) in order to find which part of the theme is causing the issue (sound theme? borders section? mouse-cursor parts? etc.)

I've been diff-ing the whole shebang and cannot find what's causing it or where things have changed in E16.
Even the original GTK-theme will not run anymore i.e has the same malfunction.

The funny thing is that on my X1 running 3.8.8 it works fine but on the others it doesn't. It's maddening. :madness:

yeah that's what i mean, maybe that theme includes some code that is not so compatible or needs a different one, the easiest way to find the cause is

  • by being able to reproduce it easily
  • using the default "winter" theme copy as base and start porting elements to it until the bug appears (cursor theme, borders theme, sounds theme, etc), then, reproduce it a few times to make sure that -this- element was the cause

Yeah something like that .... although I was referring to the fact that until recently those themes simply worked.
Something has changed in E16 itself causing an incompatibility. :thinking:


The docs I found/use to keep me on track where e16 theming is concerned are here, if anyone's interested.

Should be one of these commits, assuming that e16 changed something: https://git.enlightenment.org/e16/e16.git/log/

thats very good, maybe should be included in the Documents dir of Elive by default :thinking: - DONE

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