Introducing Elive-assistant, on-demand AI features in Elive

No, they only use OpenAI's 'natural language tech to format the answers, they don't query ChatGPT.

It think that is a fair description of "sharing" :madness:

What you describe is mainly down to 'natural language tech' and indeed useful ..... as to the doctor: No way I'm going to trust ChatGPT with my health and secondly I'm not going to tell it what ails me, I don't even do that with google. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I think that calling it "assist" is clever ...... the Intelligence of AI is a total misnomer IMHO.
It's not intelligence, it's algorithms that look through existing data cleverly.

So maybe we should call it "elive-assistant" or "elive-enhanced-kira", that way we aren't bound to the current AI pop-stars and make clear that it's just a little helpful tool. :smiley14:

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what? is not the same thing? :thinking: how they can do it without using the service itself? for sure openai will not share their tech

  1. that's why "elive-ai doctor" already includes a funny sentence saying that you should not trust it :wink:
  2. believe me its really surprising the health answers, I already did some tests of health (which i know the answer, to verify with) and it really surprises me, it even me told me how to solve (the correct way) the "yellow nails" problem that no doctor nor drugstore will tell you an effective way :exploding_head:

renamed "artificial intelligence" to "assitant"
include a user-agreement about the privacy topic

OpenAI runs ChatGPT but it's not the only thing they do ........ Mark my words: They are going to be next tech biggie, if they aren't already.

Funny anecdote: I'm in house with Bobby, a coliving friend which uses Elive since 1 year ago, and showing him the new features of the last version, showing about the AI features and he told me "that's dangerous, have you seen Terminator?" :rofl:


This is quite interesting too (and not as M$ tainted):


I think Cory Doctorow penned down what's happening in a single sentence:

Google and Bing are locked in an arms-race to see whose search engine can attain the speediest, most profound enshittification via chatbot, replacing links to web-pages with florid paragraphs composed by fully automated, supremely confident liars.

Here's the whole article, it really is worth a read:

I don't have the time now to check them but please keep an eye to these options :slight_smile: (and if possible, trying them?), we need a small list of options to implement on elive-assistant(good or usable) because we don't want to monopolize the tool with only chatgpt because of the many already known reason (and especially the horrible actual company behind it)

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New feature :star: :

  • The ulauncher entries are added or removed depending if you have the elive-assistant package installed or not :omfg: :omgomgomg: :cheerleader:
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Looks like ebuzzcentral has some interesting thoughts there ... and I tend to agree.

It would be nice to offer up 'BART' or 'DeBERTa' by default in place of ChatGPT (leave that one available as "opt-in") or ...... add Brave browser to our list of available browser (opt-in again of course)

Just me thinking out loud. :astonished:

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The Musk AI, if as twitter I will not bid on it... Perhaps GAB's one has less biases..?


New feature, when using it as first time, it includes the needed instructions to use the best privacy-protected and unbiased alternative, which is installing your own AI locally (no internet calls, no enterprise behind) and using a good selected model that is not biased or censored. So when configuring the tool it will show these extra messages:


Which, pressing "Yes" shows a small instruction:



Is it possible to have it completely isolated (forbidden) from web even when the computer is connected and how to ensure that?
Is "Mistral instruct" related to MistralAI, the french AI that over perform the "petoman cat" ChatGPT?
Is it works exclusively on demand (not listening, watching, nor reading key entries or mouse)?
I personally DO NOT want an AI lurking after what I do or want, but if and only if an AI can help me in finding things solely on my private files (images, videos, .pdf, .html, .zip, .tar..., on ext4, reiser4 (5?), by keywords, dates...), I'm interested...
What could be disc & RAM space extra use related to this eventual function?

Many thanks for your works &

Does that mean you'd like a 'chatty' implementation of 'find', 'ack', 'grep', 'file', 'cat' and 'zcat' combined? :madness:

The local installation of AI doesn't send any information because everything is running on your computer, about mistral yes, it is the french company, what you use from them is their model, so you run the GUI application (gpt4all) and use their model to process the questions and answer you (again, everything locally, nothing is sent)

No, searching local files are not actually an AI feature (maybe there's something on internet, but is not something known), what I recommend you is to use the not-yet-known feature in elive that appears if you press "ctrl + space", then type "f", and then keywords of the filename you want to search... it is blazing fast and shows fuzzy results making it extremely handy and useful

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I just stumbled across an interesting howto 'local reverse image' search program using python:

Together with the text search options we already have could combine into something interesting.
Making my joke more of a proposal.... maybe something for @TheTechRobo to chew on. :thinking:

The results here are quite spectacular too (albeit python2):

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As a fact, I'm not interested in a "chatty", but for sure good general tool to find anything in my datas (even if I tend to put things at right place, I got huge (mainly History things from Antiquity to present...))!
I made a try in organizing with an index, database, but it by itself eat many disc space...


the "ctrl + space" and then "f keyword" is more than enough for me to search for filenames, but you are refering to its "contents", for that I simply use the "ack" command, I don't think AI will do any benefit from that, the only thing you need is:

  • to index the contents (many filetypes requires a special way to read them too, so there should be a good tool for do that)
  • to search then on this index

I assume there should be people with the same need on internet, and so howto's and tools... but for me, "ack" do all that I need :slight_smile:

Yeah, 'ack' is a superb tool but sometimes a tad overkill and hard to oversee if there are many results and ..... it doesn't read compressed files.