POLL: Default web search engine in Elive?

I forgot about that one too. :shocked:
I'll add the search results for comparison to the lot I already did. personally I think it's even better than Startpage.
A tad more searches show that it's actually not very good and often doesn't find stuff.

As with all proposed engines: the interface is practically the same is all the rest
Downside of is that the search input isn't in the window when set to default... but maybe that's a setting.

Which shows that it should definitely be built into the default browser settings as an option, if only to help keep projects like that alive.
Without that it will be forgotten ...... as will Elive if we don't get more online presence.
All those projects are small organizations (or even a single dev) that also merit support.

Setting those kind of projects as default (and letting the people behind know) can be to mutual benefit. To Elive it will be for acquiring goodwill and having a clear position where it stands in the FOSS ecosphere and help our online visibility a bit.


As far as the quality of content is concerned - I've tried a lot of different search engines and as far as I'm concerned Google delivers the best. I'm not particularly for or against Google as an organization. Yes they are making a lot of money off your data but they are pretty up-front about it whereas the others want you to think they don't do the same thing.
I'm now using Startpage as my default search engine (thanks to all for the tip) and I'm getting pretty good results, so I'll stay with my set-up.


In short: most of people wants / uses google search engine, it is the one that gives best results, but also it is what the people expects to have by default (and so they can change it by themselves)

By other side I just discovered accidentally this other one, never heard of it before: https://search.lilo.org/

Since this one uses google (best results), doesn't looks bad, is not the rotten Microsoft alternatives (bing based), seems like to be better for privacy, and especially your searches makes the world better, can be a good option to consider :thinking:

To defend @Thanatermesis, it is a pretty philosophical discussion. You can insert any default and never be wrong. But he is about to ask his users what do they think ... very good!
The result (of the discussion, nit the poll) is a lot of valuable content. But at one point there must be an outcome. So I think @Thanatermesis (only in highlit, because I am too lazy to look up where the h goes) cross read the thread and wrote a recap.

If we don't appreciate this, where is the motivation to ask in future decisions?

@Thanatermesis: even a parent filter is possible (just search for the word 'porn' and see).
But the Q&A and other sites are just in France? I can't find a way to switch the language. I do think this is a blocker at the moment.

It looks OK .... a sort of French based version of 'startpage' crossed with 'ecosia' i.e practically almost same results as startpage but with some money donations to optional NGOs added.

I do find this underneath each search window in 'Lilo':


So it might be using 'Bing' too. :thinking:
I wonder if this makes Thanatermesis less biased in his choice? :applause:

Being EU based does mean that it falls under stricter privacy regulations than in other parts of the world but is by no means a guarantee for privacy abuse in general.

So like 'Startpage', it is a good contender for the default search engine.

In the previous discussion I stated that 'Ecosia' used 'Bing for search results but actually it uses 'Yahoo', I found out.

It's 'Duckduckgo' that uses 'Bing'.

Huh?They say clearly it runs on bing.


I can see why youd be confused, though

Did you know that Bing not only powers Ecosia's search, it also powers Yahoo! Search?

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