Screen configuration does not allow to change where the application's launch Panel is located

The new configuration tool for multi screen allow to choose which screen is on the right or left, resolution but not on which screen the Application panel at bottom is located.

Would be cool to be able to specify which one is the default screen, so the Application panel show up there

The only way I know to make it happen is to google, find the commands to input in the command line to change that default

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It has the functionality to "set primary screen" (only when saving configurations), this should directly work without the need of a new desktop configuration (but a new desktop configuration was needed after to create the tool, which supported up to 10 screens, so make sure to have a recent one)

Ok will try again... and get back to you From what you say, if I save the configuration, I'll be able top choose the default display (that option is nowhere for now)