Show Desktop (minimize all windows) feature

Ctrl-Shift-D nor any other key combination that I can find will toggle minimizing all windows and showing me the desktop.
This is crucial to me since I have so many windows open. It is why I can't use Elive as my daily driver and why I prefer JWM,

I don't care what key combination it takes. Just that it works. On trying to add a key combination myself, I can't find the action itself to assign to a key combination.

This may be patently obvious but not to me.

Thanks for your help.

This was a feature in Elive 3.0 (or more exactly Enlightenment version 17 or upper), seems like E16 doesn't supports this feature at the moment so i have added a temporal to make it working, you can run this command to enable it in your e16:

echo "KeyDown  CA   d     exec e16-minimize-all-windows" >> ~/.e16/bindings.cfg

You must also run "apug" to upgrade your system to have the tool included

On the other hand, I suggest you using the combination "ctrl + alt + arrows" to switch desktops, is a more efficient way than minimizing windows, so you can have every desktop organized with the specific windows of your preferences, this is of course just a suggestion and is more like a matter of habit :slight_smile:

Well the E16 Desktop has a command that iconifies all open windows on all virtual desktops (areas in E16 speak):
"eesh desk clear on" where you can re-open a window of choice by clicking the icon there.
and to re-open all the windows where they were:
"eesh desk clear off"
Where you could bind those commands to keys.

The solution using "e16-mimimize-all-windows" is much nicer as it contains itself to the current workspace in use and has a nice animation when in action and actually toggles the window states. :1up:

The key-combo assigned by @Thanatermesis command there is"

Good morning Thanatermesis,

On Sun, 05 May 2024 00:29:06 +0000 you wrote among other things:

This was a feature in Elive 3.0 (or more exactly Enlightenment
version 17 or upper), seems like E16 doesn't supports this feature
at the moment so i have added a temporal to make it working, you can
run this command to enable it in your e16:

echo "KeyDown  CA   d     exec e16-minimize-all-windows" >>
~/.e16/bindings.cfg ```

You must also run "apug" to upgrade your system to have the tool

On the other hand, I suggest you using the combination "ctrl + alt +
arrows" to switch desktops, is a more efficient way than minimizing
windows, so you can have every desktop organized with the specific
windows of your preferences, this is of course just a suggestion and
is more like a matter of habit :)

This was close but not there yet.. But looking at your comment in
e16-minimize-all-windows, I figured out a solution:

From the Elive menu key on the cairo panel > Preferences > e16keyedit

I created 2 new keys:

CA d exec eesh desk clear on
CA f exec eesh desk clear off

While it isn´t as convenient as the Ctrl-Alt-D toggle in other
desktops, now I just press Crl-Alt-D to see the desktop alone and
then Ctrl-Alt-F to restore all the windows back again.

Thanks for your help.

Be well,

I'm not sure what you mean:
The "e16-minimize-all-windows" command is actually a 'toggle' .... admittedly the name is a tad unclear but it checks the current windows state and acts accordingly.

So setting 'CA d exec e16-minimize-all-windows' should make the 'CA f' key-combo superfluous.

The thing I did notice is that the e16-toggle sort of reverses the window stacking order when restoring, whereas the 'eesh desk show on/off' keeps it as it was. :thinking:


@LarryDC I forgot to say that after to edit the conf file in the previous comments, you must run "ctrl + alt + end" to reload the desktop and so to take in charge the added hotkey. The difference between that command and eesh desk clear is that the second one minimizes all the desktops instead the actual one you are in, if im not wrong

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Right you are!
I just killed my Ctrl-Alt-f and now just use the toggle.
Also the Ctrl-Alt-[arrows] is also quite nice.

Given that claws-mail in Elive is version 4.2 and that Vivaldi browser works great. Plus I installed it on an encrypted partition. Also my, IMHO cool, top of screen conky works great. Therefore Elive has moved up to daily driver status!
I am also submitting my .conkyrc in another thread in case others might be interested with the way it stays on top always and doesn´t take up much screen space: I have 24GB RAM so I don´t use a swap partition but I keep an eye on it :).

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