USB Boot on Macbook not booting

Ahm ...... NO.

Sorry for the encountered inconvencies.... :ohmygod:

Your problem is a different one:
Your machine needs to boot EFI, the Elive image that you used does not have this option.

You need another Elive image with (U)EFI boot.
Actually only our beta does offer this needed option,
therefor you will need the
or the

Use Balena Etcher for writing the iso to an usb stick
switch OFF your Mac
put in the usb stick
hold down the "alt" key and do not release
switch on your Mac (still pressing alt, yes)
until you can see the screen like this:

choose the the first USB drive icon like shown and hit enter:

Boot. :news:

A little HowTo Install Elive On Mac Hardware will follow later.

Reply if you need further assistance, pls