Ancient applications from old Elive versions with E16

I just tried elpanel. Words fail me. I will be reviving that no matter how long it takes me. :exploding_head: sheesh that was great

And I thought the Stable (3.0) experience was good...if you want to know what Elive will hopefully become...

Just try out Gem!

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Every time I rerun one of those old versions I'm impressed, especially considering how the others looked at the time. :applause:

Alas, I don't think this layout will cut it anymore in this day and age.

Well, would be a GREAT excuse for a retro version of elive.

Definitely. :applause:

I think it's a bit worrying that there's been no advancement in bringing out "Retro".

A good reason for me to hop back to E16 (from E24) and get tint2 (followed by both other docks) nicely

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I genuinely can't find the source code (for elpanel).

I've looked on and found the icons - but not the actual code.

Does anyone know where it is ?

(Also, Im thinking of creating a new control panel, in 2.0 elpanel was removed because of "better ways" which is stupid because all I see nowadays is menu after menu. :face_with_head_bandage:)

If the source code still exists (which actually is doubtful) it should be on the enlightenment servers.

Back in the day they were integral part of enlightenment, so maybe you'll need a time machine.:madness:
I suspect they had valid reasons to drop support for certain resources but then a few (like entrance) are being revived.

Nope, can't find it, even on Wayback Machine :ohmygod:

Where's a decompiler when you need it... oh there one is.

Best we've got if Thana doesn't have it either. You may call me obsessed with Elpanel and you may be correct, but I WANT ELPANEL :madness:

I think this is a fitting warning :w00t:

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Couldn't get that working in 1.0; just hung.


reminds me of another good one


When you delete a block of code that you thought was useless
