ok thats different mybe someone wil like it
Altered the "default" enlightenment E23 theme to have an Elive logo on the bar. Nothing else.
If you use E23 and want this theme you can get here:
Download it and then import through "settings", "theme" and the import button.
If wanted for other use with Elive, feel free to use the icon.
and a flat one:
And the elaborate one from svg:
Will try tks !
I am going totally bonkers ....... not able to find how I did that.
Updated the theme links and png in the 1st theme post.
Now using .svg icon in the theme.
what about speed? (of course this requires to be tested on the same machine... probably with a 2 different OS's installed, 3.0 and 3.7+ )
So E23 is meant to be faster (optimized libs, but they had been grown too, and compositor is meant to be pretty faster too, the elive builds of e23 and efl libs are optimized too!)
that's good to play, being familiarized, and discover bugs to be reported to E
Thought I'd share my latest stormy wallpaper on E24 with Elive-dark theme.
It's almost a shame to open any apps on it.
Nice painting
Though I have kind of grown to like the Default dark themed blank textured background of E24. It exudes a sophisticated elusive and mysterious minimalist sentiment that reflects how i feel deep in my soul ; a sort of calming serenity that portends both potential and confidence. Never going back to Winblows and its garish ostentatious displays.
I can understand liking that minimalism.
Me, I ventured into boating due to reconstructing/repairing antique wooden ships like those depicted there.
Once finished we sailed them and tried to imagine ourselves in the shoes of those sailors, which of course was hardly the same. So a painting like that fills me in awe as to how hard those times must have been. In the same situation I probably would have been scared out of my mind.
The depicted beach is the same beach at Scheveningen where 6 surfers drowned in a storm a few weeks ago.
I can understand the sentiment the painting evokes in you being so close to home personally. I also recognised from it, the toughness and bravery of the skilled seamen eking out a daily living from an unrelenting unforgiving sea. The depiction was rather evocative of how hard it must have been to be a sailor or fisherman in those days and even today with the breadth of knowledge and experience of all the seas, its still untameble when it chooses to be. Sorry about the loss of the lives of those 6 young people.
Another screenshot. This time it's on 3.8.17 Beta running E16 on my X1carbon Thinkpad.
Gone back (for a whilre, I suspect) from E24 to E16 craving simplicity and minimalism.
Kicked "cairo-dock" (too much "in_my_face") for "tint2" and added "rofi" as a launcher on the left of the bar.
Should be nice too with inverted colors, perhaps..? So, darker (for economy)...
Changed the settings a tad.
- The pager slightly tonedd down on the top right side
- installed gtklight-theme
- tint2 moved to the top
- and using "rofi drun" as an app starter.
Actually quite happy now as the dark themes aren't too my liking ATM.
Do a net search on "rofi themes" and see what is possible there.
For instance "polibar" GitHub - adi1090x/polybar-themes: A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
is extremely interesting, especially as a cairo-dock replacement on E16.
I'm all for testing and showing this, it could be just the enhancement we need to give E16 that extra thingy.
This is kinda awesome...
beautiful colors, but not too much attention taking -
it has a symetric center and a darker area where, e.g., a dock can appear =
Very good choice +++
Just another screenshot of the same E16 configuration but now with a shot of where I live as wallpaper.
This is practically just outside my backdoor and used to be the sea a short while back.
There were actually sea battles being fought here about 400 years ago.
That's beautiful, as are all your desktop backgrounds
Where is it ? Very nice place.