APT aliases in command-line for linux, make your life easier!

In Elive, you can find shortcuts for apt commands alias | grep "apt" but here are the most important ones —

  • api: install (shortcut to apt install)
  • apu: update cache (shortcut to apt update)
  • apui update cache and install (shortcut to apt update && apt install)
  • apug: upgrade system (shortcut to apt update && apt upgrade; better to use elive-upgrader which is run on desktop startup)
  • apif: resolve broken dependencies (apt install -f)
  • apse: search packages (apt search)
  • apir: uninstall and reinstall packages, useful for switching to Devuan and stuff
  • apsh: apt-cache show, used for showing packages based on their exact name
  • apr: apt-get remove, self-explanatory
  • appo: apt policy, can help with debugging server side apt thingies and finding versions

There are more (run alias | grep "apt" to see a list) but those are the ones i use most :slight_smile:

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