Articles about Elive (follow & add & share!) :happy_dance:

This thread is all about for add articles that we found on internet, everytime we found an article, add it on a comment of this thread

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mentions: @Rebel450, @maxinou, @yoda, @triantares, etc...

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They left after comments pointed out it was debian wheezy :frowning: and i cant comment about the beta version bc its archived

ELIVE 3.0.4 STABLE UPDATE | Stables, Game streaming, Game reviews

Ye thats a lot!! All I did was google elive linux review and elive 3.0.6...

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...and you cant forget mine (the most terrible review ever, almost worse than switched to linux XD, exists)

haha not really articles but check out my comments on

(i'm -- you guessed it -- u/TheTechRobo :rofl2:)