Boot Elive on a second disk, first disk is Archlinux with systemd-boot

You have different options for a dock it's merely a matter of installing:

  1. there's 'plank' which I prefer to 'cairo-dock'.
  2. And there's 'tint2' that is very usable.

All docks have their pros and cons, it's a matter of taste.
I wrote a Howto on customizing E16 and both docks as well, here:

You might want to explicate that and it could be interesting for us too.
BTW: I would advise to editing your previous message and remove the e-mail address .... it might be 'harvested' by spambots. :face_with_head_bandage:

By DM I meant via this forum.

The installer asks if you would like to send/participate and subsequently asks for an e-mail address.
You might've missed that. :smile: