Boot Elive on a second disk, first disk is Archlinux with systemd-boot

Thanks a lot :+1: I will wait for the latest beta 8.3.28.

Please could you explain how to set the installer in migration mode ????
I haven't find yet despite my search on the elive site. :smiling_face_with_tear:

It's easy ..... the installer will simply offer to do that for you if it sees a compatible OS. :innocent:

You just continue and select the existing '/' partition to install into.

I agree that this could be "flaunted" a tad more clearly on the website or here on the forum. :smile_cat:

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And what are the "compatible OSes" ?

Does it takes any linux distro or only specific distros ??

My old laptop has a Solus Os and my backup ssd drive has a PopOS.


Well if that were the case it wouldn't make much sense using the word "compatible" ..... In general think Debian based i.e making use of repositories the way Debian does.
So in your case:

  • SolusOs = No
  • PopOs=Yes

But anyway, if the option isn't offered it wont work. Leave it to the installer.

I did try it first on a laptop with Solus, then another with Archlinux. It didn't offered to "transgrade". It makes sense. I will wait for the next beta to try it with PopOS on my spare ssd drive.

"transgrade", "mutagrade", "elivegrade", "imprograde", "promograde", they all make sense to me. You may call it the way you like. It's YOUR very good idea!

All the kudos go to @Thanatermesis for the work/code and idea. The consisting naming of the feature is important for publicity, though....'crossgrade' seems to be the best.

yes, better that one :slight_smile:

any (actually), only a few ones have been betatested but it should work more or less the same in all of them (you are welcome to post a review of the things you needed to "fix" later if you found things not working after to install, in order to improve the installer for next migration modes of that distro, and especially to enable reports on the installer :slight_smile: )

yeah i think crossgrade sounds more simple to understand :thinking: :slight_smile: we will need now to know "where" to change (from migrate keywords) it, like website, newsletters, or installer messages

I don't want to put any pressure. But is Elive beta 3.8.28 still in the oven being prepared ?
Coming soon ?
Just to have an idea of when to expect the thing ?

3.8.30 just released :slight_smile: better than 3.8.28 with many fixes and yeah, bullseye based

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Will try upgrading my existing 3.24 (manually switched Bullseye based) to 3.8.30 tomorrow :1up:

Excited to see what exactly is going to work (and not) ... I'll keep you lot posted and:
If there's no word at all, then something went horribly wrong and I'll have moved over to Arch and KDE. :wink:

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As soon as I'll be back home, I'll try it!