Cairo Dock replacement / alternative in E16

Mucking about with "tint2" as a panel I came across quite a few themes.
The point is that Bunsenlabs uses a more recent version of tint2 than Debian does (so maybe we should do that too just did that from their git repo, doesn't really differ much) to allow for all themes to run well.
As a starter/launcher "kupfer" is not very nice but "rofi" isn't at all bad.
I added it to tint2 with the elive starter icon and themed it to comply somewhat with the excellent E16 retrowave theme.

It (rofi) does require some getting used to and what you see in the screenshot is what you get when clicking the starter icon. Typing will help find apps.
I suspect "rofi" itself will be very configureable allowing for simpler menu-like options and maybe even icons.
Else we could use "xdotool" to have the menu but there's no real reason to have that as clicking anywhere will do the same....IMO it has to differ, unlike in E24.

If we can agree on "tint2" as a viable lightweight "cairo-dock" replacement, I wont mind throwing more effort into it's theming and applications......and maybe create a separate thread for theming "tint2". :thinking:

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