I have a question about installing this on a Chromebook.
Is it possible?
I am currently running Galliumos and it's working fine but I really enjoyed Elive on my laptop and would like to also use it on my Chromebook.
I tested it long time ago in a chromebook and it worked good!
the only thing that you need to do is to be able to boot from the USB, which can be a bit tricky on chromebooks, I think you need to install a special bios or to enable this option via hardware, in any case you can found howtos on google of how to do that for your chromebook model, if you succeed, you are welcome to add a howto of how to boot elive in chromebooks in our Howtos section
I'm actually running GalliumOs right now but I guess I'll try Elive later today.
If anyone has a chromebook and a lot of time ... is there a way to make like a custom chroot for crouton? most poeple who use linux on chromebook use crouton because
- recovery is better
- dual boot chrome os
I've just switched my Chromebook into developer mode and installed crouton. Custom targets don't seem that hard to make! I'll try it soon.