Conkyrc customization with new syntax

First post, hoping I'm doing things right. There's a conkyrc file in user's home directory that I customized and I'd like to share with you folks. Nothing much to say about it, it's basically the same as the original one, but it has now the new syntax for 1.10 and it has this kind of 'Elive' touch we were chosing this distro for (at least it's true for me :wink:)
Problem is I can't insert links in my post :pleading_face:.
So anytime I find a way I'll share the files

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(sorry, the forum doesn't allow me to add an real link)

It seems I'm not the only one facing this problem :ghost:
Well, here it is, hope this works

And sorry if I may not do that ...

@JackH : This forum doesn't allow you to because you haven't used the forum enough. I just added the link to the post, because i always get annoyed having to change the words to characters :nanana:

Also, this post is NOT seen by most users. It is only for the description of the category.

EDIT: Checking your link, your gofile upload no longer exists. Do you still have it on hand?

the old configuration moved to a new one? oh that is nice!, unfortunately the link doesn't works anymore :frowning:

Yeah, had the same issue. :frowning:

@JackH do you still have the file on hand?

@triantares @rebel450 @anyone did you perchance download the file sometime?