Creating a customized, more responsive e16 BrightnessDown key binding for very dark surroundings

I've noted it before:
Current keybindings in E16 (and Enlightenment for that matter) increment the screen-brightness by 10% of the maximum .... both "up" and "down".
For me at night that means my screen has the lowest setting of 10% (after that it's off, i.e 0%) which is still totally blinding in my ship's wheelhouse....I need it to go down to 1% or even less.

Now I've discovered that 'brightnessctl' as a command also has an option to set the brightness as an integer with the "s" flag and gets the current brightness value with 'brightnessctl g'.

Which made me change the settings of the .e16/bindings.cfg to what I need.
the current line that defines the brightness-down is:
KeyDown - XF86MonBrightnessDown exec sudo -n brightnessctl s 10%-

Which I changed to:

KeyDown - XF86MonBrightnessDown exec bash -c "sudo -n brightnessctl s `echo $(brightnessctl g)/2 |bc`"

Which will halve the current value, thus creating an infinite lowering of the brightness were it not that 'bc' in it's simplest iteration only does integers (i.e whole numbers) which also means that below value "1" there'll be a zero (= backlight off).

I'd advise to keep the brightness-up setting at 10%+ because in general, when wanting a higher brightness, one will want to go up to about 100% as fast as possible....any increment below that, will feel extremely unresponsive.


I'm too a 1% light screen user, both for night work & power saving...
Thank you!
