E16 Elive 3.7.8 Can't click open applications, Right/left click Desktop works

Did it ever happen to you that you were unable to click your applications windows, that they were visible but clicking Left / right do not touch the window you see but more as if you were clicking the Desktop ? As if they weren't there...

I happened to me a few times recently...

I reboot and it's ok..

Me too but maybe is due to @triantares gtk theme? I say that because it didn't happened to me before installing it....

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That's a pager setting. It shows another desktop application almost "real-size" but it's only a preview. You have to click the desktop in the pager to activate it.
I've no idea where that comes from but I've seen it too ..... sometimes. I wouldn't mind having that "all the time" but as it is, it puts me on the wrong foot too.


Yes it happens only some few times...Curious to know that is a "ghost" desktop. .. Is strange...

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yep me too, seems a focus small issue of the destkop, you can solve it with "alt + tab" to switch windows in order to trigger the focus callbacks, or even a restart of the DE (without reboot) with "ctrl + alt + end"

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