E16 news and status (new features, changes, issues, etc)

This thread is about keeping us updated about news happening in E16, this means new features, changes, and even bugs that we found / we want to report

mentions: @triantares @TheTechRobo

One of the best reasons for using E16 is its strong stability which we want to work in peace, so it's important to have it totally bug-free (this means, I motivate you all to report any issue that you may encounter in e16 so we can have it fixed automatically in Elive :slight_smile: ) --> you can do it here

Sometimes I feel like "oh this doesn't work well here, let's wait for the next work on E25+", which is a wrong thinking, we want / need E16 to work perfectly well no matter what :slight_smile:

My just reported E16 issues I have seen since a while already:

You can subscribe to them in order to be notified about its progress

15 posts were split to a new topic: GTKFilechooserDialog exceeds screen boundaries