E24/profile locations?

hey i really enjoy using E but there one thing i want to figure out where is the profile as in ( mobile,default,desktop) is there a way to import those setting or dig into some sort of config file to retrieve them to store them somewhere else if E ever ... be only accesible with a terminal?

Hello and welcome to the forum!

There should be a ~/.e folder, that is, a folder called .e inside your home folder (/home/<USER>). you won't be able to see it in thunar, but you can use it in the terminal or by changing the path inside thunar to ~/.e :smiley14:

haha @triantares beat you to the punch

It depends which E (E16, E17 or E24)you are using.

E16 can be altered through files in ~/.e16/* but the menu also offers an option called "enlightenment" where you'll find various settings
E17 (that would be using Stable) as well as E24 have only the "settings" menu option but offer a plethora of possibilities. Both can be altered through files that reside in ~/.e/ but any changes made there (same goes for E16, actually) will be gone when restarting E*.

As to E24 profiles .... they're down to 3 options:

i want to save one of those option somewhere else!@! thanks for your answer

to Anwser my own question you just copy profile (everything you want to share somewhere else(as for me its was the binding and it work flawlessly !@! "biniding1-9"

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For those scratching their head and thinking "what's he on about?" :

The said bindings (and a lot more) can be found in ~/.e/e/config/standard/ .... to backup an existing E24 configuration it's best to back-up the whole ~/.e/ directory albeit that the sub-directory shots/(and backgrounds/ as well) can become fairly large, depending on your habits. :smile:

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