This thread will be used to announce some progress for the EliveRetro version
Last update of E16 includes an important fix where the desktop was locked in full CPU when switching fast the desktops: #3 - Switching between screens fast seems to block e16 - e16 - Enlightenment GIT
A RetroWave (synthwave, etc) music playlist has been created with the best selection of retrowave music for the version (a window will be opened with the music playing at desktop startup in live mode, as a presentation mood) :
Won't that create copyright problems?
No because there's no downloaded content, only the web link (or "mpv" command, depending of computer resources) opened with that youtube playlist, just like the user watching some content on youtube
On the other hand there's many royalty-free songs of retrowave (synthwave*)
I'd be careful.
youtube-dl got temporarily taken off GitHub partially because its test suite tested downloading of copyrighted songs.
It's not the same, but better safe than sorry.
Looks good, I like the icon choice and even the looks you gave to cairo-dock(I still prefer tint2).
As a whole I think that the linear wallpaper designs make for a cluttered experience i.e overdoing the black & pink..... go for simple.
I really like the theme you thought was "too dark" - please keep it available!
After using the configuration for a while I do find the dark theming tiring on the eyes using the candy icon set.
On a light background they look a lot a better
and as a side note:
- Dark theming hardly existed in the 'old days' Retro is supposed to be pointing to.
- Applications (not all) do not always adhere well to dark mode.
The icons in the dock (as well as systray and menu) will create a problem regarding consistency as a lot of (3rd) party apps bring along their own icons.
I may have forgot to say this, but this version will not only be retro but also follow a specific "design / look", so this thematic will be based on "RetroWave" style (google for it and you will immediately see the look-n-feel on the image results), so the look will be entirely dark @triantares, which is also a good practice for compatibility on a fully dark desktop
BTW if you didn't, watch the movie "Kung Fury" on youtube, you will have fun with that!
- colorscheme added for terminology, use "apir terminology-data" to start using it (RetroWave colorscheme)
Well here's the first question:
Do we name it "Retro" or "Retrowave"?
Considering "Retrowave" is an existing style and it's mainly cosmetic on Elive (i.e not a throwback in software or design) ..... I think 'Retrowave' is the better description.
good question / point, yes retrowave is more like the "cosmetics style" picked, but i think the topic is more about "an OS with a retro style (and/or good for old computers)", so for this "Elive Retro" is more intuitive (a retro version of Elive), on the other hand if we decide to -really- go to the retrowave style as uniqueness then the "elive retrowave" is more appropriate... also is important to consider here importance of the "retrowave" keyword impact on google, this means that people that will search for "retrowave" on internet my find better this version of elive
I think that I'm going to release a beta version in the next 2 days, why?:
- I'm working a lot on the EliveRetro version, but there's still work to do and especially to do things correctly (a good website page, a strategic promotion, a betatesting, etc) which i don't think its possible before finishing the year (I wanted to release EliveRetro before christmas)
- The last release is already 6 months old, we need some activity, so releasing another beta is a good thing (and there's also many many improvements too!)
- While releasing, the work will continue on EliveRetro and in 1-2 months it will be released (note: other work can be done in the meantime too, like starting the work on E25+)
Make sure to have it come with a different default wallpaper, especially on the announcement!
That was obvious but also very optimistic.
There's a first Beta, already well tested, includes many new features developed in the last months (no time to list them now ), and also the removing of systemd (switching to sysvinit) support which is a very good bonus for elive and some users that may want that
In other words: I just need to re-check all the (infinite) TODO entries in my notes and many places but this is a pretty finished work
How to download: Paste this Magnet code into your torrent application:
mentions: @TheTechRobo @triantares @PrinceAMD ...
Downloading and will keep a seed open.
Isn't 'zsync' a better option BTW?
Getting stuck on 66% metadata.
no because that requires a web server (the iso is not uploaded anywhere and won't be because the mirrors only accepts stable or beta, the website code too, and the mirrors will require more extra GB to have it) etc.. also the user needs to use that "extra" tool, creating a shared torrent is much easier and faster, also more secure (checksum verified and repaired)
Getting stuck on 66% metadata.
mmh that strange, my torrent stills uploading to somebody, and I added many trackers on it, try to add it again?
I did.
I even opened a VPN connection to Bogota.
Trackers says 1 seeder and 2 leechers and that IP there is yours, I think.
I'm the only seeder, but i don't understand why your metadata could be not fully downloaded maybe there's a broken tracker? but there's many, hum... so strange, let me restart transmission from my side...
That did it
Now it's downloading.