I would like to install via
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppahich is fui
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indi-full kstars-bleeding
which is looking for an Ubuntu version.
What is Elive's ubuntu version? I tried bionic and xenial which both didn't work.
Message is like: like libs are required but cannot be installed
Hello @penguin_a_geek,
Welcome to the forum here where we try to be as helpful as we can. 
As a first:
- It is strongly dis-advised to mix repositories from different distros, especially Ubuntu. Usually this just creates a mess ... as you have just ascertained.
To be clear, Elive does NOT (and never will) have an Ubuntu version. It is based on Debian (currently Buster on the Beta version) and nothing else.
Ubuntu itself is Debian based originally but has diverged from it's base in such a manner that mixing the repositories is taking a risk ... especially because adding ppa repos is Ubuntu specific thingy.
Whenever you come across an application on the internet ALWAYS check if it isn't simply offered by your distro already.
In this(your) case, do a search:
apse kstars
which gives:

and subsequently simply install with:
api kstars
So crudely put:
- Bugger Ubuntu and know Elive is way ahead of the pack.

You failed to give crucial information as to what version of Elive you are using, making it necessary for us to guess.
Please be more clear with future issues so we can be more precise in our answers/solutions. 
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please bear with me a second. I am using your september 64bit beta on a HP elite x360
To what you were writing. In understand your point and the root of which eLive was derived. But you also offered eLive as a small, fast and beautiful distro moreless w/o any pain during installation - so a nice thing for John and Jane Doe. That'S where my point comes in. Although it is based on debian, up to date SW should be possible to install - the offered kstars version for eg ist quite old and beyond proper use for today. So my simple idea was to install the thing via ppa - the installation from source also fails (current is 3.4.3 with beta in 3.5).
maybe it is not my piece of cake if things like that are so difficult. I come from the early days of linux - since 1994 - and are well used to install everything on the stony way. But I hoped that in 2020 things are getting easier.
I will continue to use eLive since I love enlightenment (since I am with it since it was born), maybe you can find a way to keep SW more up to date
from munich
Alright Stefan, I understand your point but ....... (there always is a but):
If you want "kstars" to work (hopefully)perfectly on your machine ... then stick to what is offered through your distro repos.... even if that is an older version (i.e there's a reason and it's not to make your life more difficult !) 
On a side note:
The "github" version is the latest on offer and could be incorporated into Elive but the question remains if there are other others besides you who really call for this .... or maybe you could persuade like minded friends to use Elive and ask for this feature.
If you really want to install the "latest and greatest" version of "kstars" and .... accept the risks.
Do so on your own machine and please keep track of your experiences and tell us all about it. Maybe others can learn from that.
Your experiences will (hopefully) help enable us to offer better choices for our users but we need a little slack there ... In the sense that we cannot hope to keep everyone happy on every niche.
So, if you can, give us as much feedback as possible .... we will try to accommodate. 
your response is greatrly appreciated, I'll keep on going
it'S 11pm here - so we can close this thread 
Yeah, great .... I'm in the Netherlands here, so no time difference there. 
This astronomy thingy is worthwhile continuing though.... even if there's only a few who care.
So keep it up and give your opinion. 
We'll make it better as we go along.
Here's a link to their github repository which will certainly have the latest and greatest version:
thanks - I will give it a try
You don't need to "clone" if you don't intend to code a branch yourself.
Downloading the .zip file and extracting it will suffice.
oh dear, it is too early on a sunday morning - need some coffee
dLd the zip, some things seem missing in there, but that's nothing with eLive. for now I use the 3.0
over and off 
You will need to get the essentials as marked for Ubuntu too.
api build-essential cmake git pkg-config libeigen3-dev libcfitsio-dev zlib1g-dev libindi-dev extra-cmake-modules libkf5plotting-dev libqt5svg5-dev libkf5xmlgui-dev kio-dev kinit-dev libkf5newstuff-dev kdoctools-dev libkf5notifications-dev qtdeclarative5-dev libkf5crash-dev gettext libnova-dev libgsl-dev libraw-dev libkf5notifyconfig-dev wcslib-dev libqt5websockets5-dev xplanet xplanet-images qt5keychain-dev libsecret-1-dev breeze-icon-theme
then follow the instructions laid out in the INSTALL file.
jaja, I did, for sure. the cmake is complaining that some kstar details are not there - nothing to do with eLive or ubuntu
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "StellarSolver"
with any of the following names:
its a kstars problem
Yes it is a Debian problem, it's a recently (8 Oct) created dependency and
The problem is that the required "libstellarsolver-dev" is not in any of the Buster or Ubuntu repos (yet?).
It looks like the offered source code hasn't got that "change" yet so you could download that and build from there.
It does want to use "astrometry.net" which doesn't seem to exist anymore, so a bit of luck ight be needed. 
Of course you could also try the "snap" installation.
Building from source took a while and nearly maxed out my Helix2 pad but it works. 
On top I found "libstellarsolver" on the ppa, just take your pick and see which one will work 
It'll be sheer dependency hell, tho.
the snap I tried. it is working but I don't like snap
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Which has me wondering if the snap version uses stellarsolver.
I suspect it doesn't yet, either.
Using the source code and building from that could be used to create a working .deb but then would break again once the updated versions require stellarsolver.
So "snap" is the easiest way, for now.
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update: it's working - thanks for your patience
now I go back to help finding bugs on eLive