Fantastic beat all others again testing further needed yes I know I need the 64-bit version but one thing at a time.
First off great easy install no problems on the old test system a Compaq Presario with an AMD Sempron Processor model 3800+ AMD 64 bit with an Nvidia GeForce 6150se 3D GPU with 3.5 GIGS of DD2 ram
Super Fast as always
Great notice's popups to help with the installation
again professional looks for desktop
one word WOW! if it works on such a low-end system it will be blindly fast on any modern system & something that should be paid for on the excellence of a professional Linux System Sorry you can get something for nothing this great in a 32 bit for replacement or in a dual boot system which everyone should now have.
Of course, more testing will happen.
Thanks for your feedback @Michael_Kivinen and welcome to the forum
This is a good review, keep testing this version so the next (soon) build will be based on bullseye! (full distro upgrade) with also many fixes and improvements (the more you test the more you may see the difference between them)
Don't worry for the 64bit version, I have updated your user to "member" and now you have access to the Special Privileged (named like that, in the Announcements section) section of the forum where you have direct links to all the needed versions
Thank you I love the work your doing and in my opinion, you have the No 1 distro for Linux as have I tested nearly 178 other versions and none compare anywhere near your professional versions and shows a dedication to bringing the best of Linux the best to the consumer for a replacement to Microsoft windows version 10 & 11 so far I have tested them on 1 AMD laptop E machine which has only 2 gigs of ram & 1 AMD 64 desktop that has 3.5 gigs of ram & one Atom 7 inch intel mini laptop which only has 1 gig of ram but all are all working with speed without any slowdown whatsoever So I will say DONT GIVE UP you have a winning professional Linux OS out of all others As Microsoft windows do have Spyware which is a FACT & is over-bloated & many are now resisting on their new systems with not installing Win 11 & staying with Win 10 but has opened the market for older systems to switch to Linux OS but yours is the cream on the icing of the Linux cake.
I think this merits to be a testimonial in the elive website
Honest TRUTH always is right and those that put the amount of effort deserve to be noted in their quest to BE THE BEST And produce the BEST yes I have installed now in three other different systems from the first AMD laptop to other brands names are all are rock solid even an Intel CPU Acer laptop without still any hiccups truly a masterpiece of work but there are some systems which may be depending on brand Bios and components used but I see this will be a very rare occurrence & i will say your setup is far easier than the others with plenty of install guidance which others are lacking for someone non-technical But of course, if I come across any problem I will let you know as others should also.