Forum: changes and improvements

Forum had issues receiving emails, this meant unknown bounces and no management of "reply from email" and similar things, it was also a problem marking the server as "spam" because of these things

After a long work on this, its finally working, using an external gmail account, I will continue doing configurations and tests (which means you may notice the server down), if you see any issue with this please comment

Digest summary emails are also enabled back

Gmail is not reliable at the moment.

I noticed that, but thought it was an issue on my end. You can't blame me - I was using a MacBook with OS X Lion, I assumed that it was so outdated it was screwy with the internet - which it is, with SSL. (I have to use SSH on that thing for git lol)

I probably lost a few messages because of that issue. :frowning_face:

the emails sending worked, but the "digest summary emails weekly" was disabled to avoid spam rankings, in any case everything should work now

anybody can test the "reply by email" feature? - I assume an easy way is to try the "direct private messages to someone" feature with no forum website opened (it will send the message via email after 30 minutes approx)

for now, no emails seems to have been sent / received yet from the forum

I meant sending TO the forum.

'am too scared to reboot it,

when it gets cold the monitor cable goes smaller i think

so, the monitor doesnt turn on if its cold

the only way for it to turn back on is to overheat the machine

which i do not want to do


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Can somebody test if a NEW register to the forum actually works?

I read somewhere that an user had problems with that

Doesn't send for both 10minutemail \dot com and net.

Will test on other email address.

EDIT: Doesn't work on my secondary outlook either. Will test resending.

EDIT 2: Ya, I don't think it's coming. Even if it does, it's been a few minutes, surely most people will have given up by then.

Noope doesn't work.
My e-mail addres (yes it is valid) doesn't get validated. :frowning_face: on palemoon.

Forget that, it worked using my gmail... but it doesn't send the acceptance/validation message i.e I'm not receiving any :cry:

The user does I created does show up as new (in admin) but isn't validated.
Same goes for the 2 @TheTechRobo created

Sorry, during the night seems like I left the email forum wrongly configured (unable to send emails), I still trying to improve the security (configurations) of the mail server in order to make less spam-prone (hackable) and a better delivery behaviour

Can you try again, @triantares @TheTechRobo ? (specially good with other email providers than gmail, since an email server can be blacklisted in some services and not in others, but gmail is more common to accept emails)

Note: a test email sent to a hotmail account I use for tests arrived to the junk folder (but at least arrives instead of being entirely blocked), I don't really know why hotmail* type emails are so annoying with the junk thingy, I think the programmers switched the names "junk" and "inbox" :thinking:

I don't know how to improve more the "quality" of the emailing for making micro$ :poop: happier, they should be already very good (forum discourse already has everything set up in quality, used by thousands in the same way, and there has not been users added without their permission, only registered users were added by themself)

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OK, I recieved the confirmation links per mail and they work over gmail.

And protonmail account is instantaneous. :+1:

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I received the mails

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NOTE: I'm working in improving the email system on both elive and forum websites, you may found the email system working intermitently, try to not answer the forum from the email these days and/or verify your answers has been published on the forum

The forum had an automated rebuild monthly, for some unknown reason this fails and the only way to rebuild it is by doing it manually, so the forum was not updated in the last months

now I have just updated it

Maybe in the future (next server migration) this will be fixed, but no time to look at why the rebuild fails now