"hibernate" package - Why you shouldn't use it

In some guides, you may get the instruction to install the hibernate package.

Do not !!!

The hibernate package in Elive has been replaced entirely by the hebernate package which is Elive-only and can also handle suspend. :w00t:

These two packages do the same thing (except hebernate does it better imo), and we have already a bug report for when a user had both installed:


Now you know the cons of installing "hibernate" package.

If there is a package with hibernate dependency-
simply tell us, and
do not use the package unless you don't plan on using hibernate/suspend until the issue is fixed.

mentions: @triantares, @linux23dragon

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To be really honest ...... I don't see any advantages in using "hibernate" in any form (including "hebernate") other than it's a lazy approach where, with a bit of luck you can continue your work where you left off.

On a downside, if your laptop really, really dies due to a dead battery so does your data, after a while.
It doesn't boot any faster than a fresh boot, it only creates a risk of booting into a whopping great mess. :eyepopping:

My point: Save fast and often (use Ctrl, s for that) and cleanly shutdown.....or even "suspend" if it's only for a short while.

You'll be surprised how often really important work goes down the drain with HD failures or impossible power spikes. :face_with_head_bandage:

On top: It's a security risk.
Hibernate saves the current workspace into the RAM, which isn't protected by encryption or anything .....i.e it's world readable (even if the machine is switched off) and:

  • Once it's full, it really is full and will not guarantee a recuperation of all the data it should be holding.
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You might need to know that you need swap about the same size as your physical RAM to use hebernate or hibernate.

And it is true that you only use one or the other hibernate or hebernate.
by default hebernate is installed on elive systems.