I’m running Elive 2.0 in a machine with 160Mb max ram and 266cpu. I would like to know if people know how to make Elive lighter, faster responding, consuming less ram. I have understood there are some appearance related things I could possibly disable, and I found also there is a posibility to use other engines for enlightenment. I just don’t know if I change to say E16 engine do I lose something or do I get dependency problems or something?
Develop a custom installer which will attempt to auto-build a custom kernel removing all language packs except the one the user chose, disable/remove all modules & build in only the specific drivers needed so you can build a monolithic kernel without an initrd image.
I'll try to install Elive soon also in a 160 Mb RAM / 500 Mhz CPU machine soon and I'm very curious to see the result.... (I must first look for some RW CD/DVD disks)
I was wondering, would it be possible to use elive installer and run elive without using any gui? the tools for terminal are great, and i'd like to go a bit more extreme and use it on a pentium overdrive with mmx (@166MHz, 32mb ram. i'd like to expand it since this motherboard has 2 pc100 slots... but looks like these are not working lol i have so many pc100 sticks i could build a birds house with them). Of course the gui is pretty much overkill. Theorically it should be able to get installed with enough patience!
It's probably possible, the real question is: is it worth it? It'll take some trial and error, and plenty of time.
If I wanted a fast OS without a GUI, I'd use Arch. I find Enlightenment is one of the best features in Elive. But that's just me.
I'm sorry to say but I'd never go with ark, it's a pain I do not enjoy. Despite that if you do not configure it properly its going to be way slower that what would be a ready to go distro, I honestly prefer to install an os that is usable already. It would take away too much time from actual productivity! And this is an idea most people share I think (even Linus Torvalds). Moreover ark, talking to those who use it daily, it may revile kinda unstable: if you commit a wrong step you better pray you did not forget to make a backup!
I guess... But I don't think elive is meant for CLI-only purposes. The old logo even stated, "Where debian meets enlightenment".
(EDIT: I had no idea how amazing the terminal is back then.)