Impermutable boot

Nah, basically it calls elive-wallpaper-set which with the last update it actually SET the wallpaper too in E16 (before, it just added it on your backgrounds list), so basically the impermutable mode calls this command to switch to it

Let's see what is happening, you should have an entry here:

grep lockfs ~/.e16/startup-applications.list

Then rebooting when in Impermutable, that entry should be run which will show you a notification message and also change the wallpaper, if not, then:

  • the "lockfs-notify" command is not run
  • it is not updated including the wallpaper changes
  • the wallpaper changing doesn't works for you

I just tried again with the last updates and it works on my side, you can try to debug what is happening with the tool, see also that you have the wallpaper code:

grep wallpaper /usr/bin/lockfs-notify