Install easy app store

First of all, excuse me for my level of writing in English, I'm Spanish ...

I'm a new user of the distro and it's amazing how well it works on a 32-bit netbook. The desktop is amazing. I love the desktop cube and the ease of use of the distribution, but I'm having a little complication.
I was thinking of installing the distro for my mother but and the synaptic is too difficult and not very visual for her

Does anyone know if there is any way to install an application store, such as linux app store or app outlet that is easier to install programs,
i dont find any manual tat works ,
I would also like to know if there is a Spanish-speaking community for distribution, sorry for the inconvenience

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Hi, welcome to the forum! :smiley14:

First ... are you using Stable or Beta? The Snap Store which I mention below will probably not work with stable due to how old Stable is.

yes sure! try the Spanish category in the forum.

i hate it with a passion, but the snap store could work. see if it fits your needs.

I do agree with you though. i wish appimage had a package manager!

oh, there is, but there's no gui :confused: GitHub - srevinsaju/zap: ⚡ Delightful AppImage package manager

before @triantares says it...I should make a gui for it. :nod:

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On the netbook I am using the stable 32-bit, I suppose that is why I have not been able to install a deb package, or snap, and I have not compiled anything for a long time and I have to review.
I just replaced the OS of a pc 4 years ago with which I will try to install both the linux store and the outlet app

I have taken a look at the forum in Spanish thank you very much
I will start messing around and if I can, I will try to make some simple manual style install the stores or something style configure wine or something like that in both English and Spanish so I will practice the language

Thank you very much for the reply

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You are very welcome, it's what we do here. :slight_smile: Come back if you have anymore questions.

Sounds amazing, that would really help!!! :smiley_cat:

You might want to try Stable 4.0 when it is released ... it may take a while tho.

Hey, I found something that might work!!

Can you try this program?

i found how install sofware-center using this comand

apt-get install software-center

the apps ar working correctly but i have a problem. the terminal, wen i try to make somting crashes or closes in 2 minuts the only solution for the terminal problem that i found its download gnome terminal

tomorrow y try the app outlet but i know that .deb dont works because its amd64 the snaps packets and the appimage dont works because i dont have the correct depedences , and i try to compile but the ./configure and the ./make install dont works , tomorrow y try to install Git and nodejs to try again

Ok, sounds good.

Definitely try 4.0 when it comes out. It'll be more up to date.

I'll prolly have to make my own gui for 3.0. (._.)

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now im instaling the elive 64 bits and try to install the launcher of epic store , and the appoutlet and the linux store,

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Do remember that the beta is not too user friendly.

you'll need to give the person a 5-10 minute tour