Hi, can this be used for gaming? im planning on playing cd games like: doom, wolfenstein ,quake, halo, metro, war of the ring, age of mythology, starcraft, age of empires, elder scrolls and etc. also, play gog games too.
Well we at Elive do tend to recommend Elive
Depending on the hardware it has an upside that with Elive (Beta) the DE itself has very low requirements, leaving more resources for gaming.
It'll probably work - if you run into any issues, let us know!
Assuming you have a network card, Elive will attempt to read network settings from an existing Linux or Windows installation, if there is one. Otherwise, you'll need to select it manually. (Unless you use Ethernet, in which case it should be automatic)
i couldnt get elive with networking down. i couldn't figured it out how to get network working. so i had to switch back to windows. but im still learning and determine to get the WiFi working.
Wel it's hard to gather exactly what your issue is but if it's about connecting to a wifi AccessPoint from EliveBeta in live-mode:
Just click on the the network symbol in the top left of the screen (or in the dock) and choose your AP.
After which a popup will show asking the password (if needed).
TIP: Whenever you think that a connection has dropped, open a terminal and type: ping -c 3
and if you get an answer you'll know for sure that you're connected. If that's OK then type: ping -c3 www.google.com
to find out if DNS is OK.
If you think it's a hardware issue than do add the output of inxi -n
to your question.
For all probed hardware info use: inxi -F