Lock screen on e16

That way you would lose your session and maybe your work.

Gave it the option to start "xscreensaver" and the lock the session, you will have to install "xscreensaver" first for it to work. :blush:
This will still leave your ttys accessible, though but doesn't have the strange bug "dm-tool" has.
Be aware though that it will keep xscreensaver running until you manually exit it with "xscreensaver-command -exit"
So actually it has now become a choice showcase: either i3lock or xscreensaver. :face_with_head_bandage:

Personally I prefer the i3lock though I suspect it could use some (darker) tweaking to reflect Elive look.
changed it to cornflower-blue to reflect @Rebel450 proposed sapphire :mwahaha:

Just download it again and see if you can live with it until the e16 devs (or @Thanatermesis ) come up with something. :muscle: