Make eltrans work again


tomorrow I will have it ready! :wink:

there's a preview:


Some improvements:

  • much more faster counting messages
  • improved sorting of the list (first on the list will be always the best options to pick to translate)
  • number of phrases displayed too
  • translations strictly requires to have a minimal of the 90% of messages proofreaded :slight_smile:
  • improved interface loops and popups and all
  • improved stability and better management of strange cases

note: the requirement for proofreading is made in order to have good quality (+ understandable + short + clever + autotranslatable) messages before someone translates them, otherwise the translation will be lost and also could be a translation of a wrong message, I think that @triantares will like that point :slight_smile:

_note2: I added an extra small update to the Proofreading howto:

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