Making multiple terminals on one ssh session

So i want to make 2 terminals for client (Windows 11 machine) on one ssh session, how can i do this?

Not exactly sure what you mean here but .....
Connecting to a Win machine means that you "only" have the available apps on that Win machine at your disposal.
Of course on your local machine you can always have 2 or more terminals connect to the same machine with "ssh" at the same time.

I didn't explain well, i wanted to have 2 separate terminals as a client (i tried to make 2 cmd windows on client (windows 11 machine) and connect to ssh but they were linked or idk)

(And yes, this is a minecarft server =))) )

I'm not too sure what and where "cmd" on Win11 does what it does but I'm fairly sure that "putty" can do a better job at what you need there. :thinking:

Anyway, once you're logged in on the Elive machine you can use "tmux" to multiplex your terminal as much as you want. Practically you can access your Elive machine as if you were sitting in front of it and run all the goodies it has to offer.

Is putty client side or server side or both?

client side and it also offers X forwarding.....but frankly I've hardly touched Win for a very longtime (sometimes in virtual machine) so I cannot even be sure those apps still exist.

Don't even know if Win allows server-side ssh ... don't think so. :thinking:

So i installed putty but this still don't help me, i want 2 zsh terminals, i want something like that using putty (if is possible split screen is ok if not still ok)

i think i can make this using multiple sessions, but i don't know how to make a session :skull:

Edit: when i try executing this command: tmux new-session -t app1 i get sessions should be nested with care, unset $TMUX to force

So once logged in on the Elive machine, multiplex the terminals and run different commands on each.
Logged ito my remote machine:

and split:

Read up on "tmux" or other multiplexers on how they work.

how can i split? On what button you pressed (This is my first time using ssh, sorry for being dumb/annoying to you)

I think i will start reading tmux guide to see how it works just how you said

Try "man tmux" :innocent:

Where the version on Elive use "Ctrl a" and not "Ctrl b" .... once a tmux instance is opened type "help" for more or read the ".tmux.conf" file in your home directory.

So on Elive "Ctrl a" followed by "|" (pipe symbol) and if it drives you mad:
Type "exit" and Enter to disconnect. :dance:
and ...
"Ctrl a" and "?" to list all key-bindings.

So the problem was with tmux, wasen't detecting ctrl b so i change it to F1. Now my last question is, if i want to cd to a folder with spaces, how i type that, if i type for example: cd Hello World i get this error, cd: too many arguments

In that case: "Tab" is your friend. It will try to to finish/complete.
If you type "cd Hell" and hit "Tab" it will find and complete "cd Hello\ World" ("\ " is the escape symbol) or .... if there's more options available, hit "Tab" a second time for the list of options.

I'd hate missing "Tab" on my terminal. :happybounce:

The other option is to put the destination into quotes so it will be read as a single argument:
cd "Hello World"

Ok thank you very much for helping me, have a nice day/night!

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