Misconceptions about Elive

Someone asked what my distro of choice was. I stated the obvious.

Elive is long dead though...
nvm still seems alive
but it looks straight out of 2002 lmao

Their misconception is that it's dead. And then... they have to check.

Most people won't.

So how do we get more people to know that its just fine, thank you very much!?

First will be needed to know "why" or more exactly "from where" they get this idea, in order to improve that (probably only-visual) idea

The ONLY way to improve our reputation is to make a splash by releasing something like a totally free Retro-version..... and hope the press and such will pick up on that.

The reason why is actually irrelevant and probably down to the first releases that required a donation to unlock. That was deadly at the time.

As to the visuals: That's something that'll require some serious thought but reality is that we'll have to make do with E16. Just the retro window dressing with a background isn't enough, there has to be a binding element that ties it all together...a clear design vision.

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