Multiple Displays on USB-c/Thunderbolt to HDMI adapters

Hi All

I've been running Elive Linux for the last 60 days in Virtual box on my Asus ROG G752VL laptop with 64Gb RAM. The only thing I could not test was using multiple displays.

As it is now, I have 3x 27" displays connected to the laptop
1 on the Thunderbolt port
1 on the USB-C port via a USBC==> HDMI convertor
1 on the HDMI port
and then the laptopscreen, of which the laptop lid is closed permanently

Graphics card on the ASUS is: Nvidia GeForce GTX965M

Is there any way to "pre-check" if these display settings will work when installing Elive as my Host ? The last thing I want to do is to reformat/install, and then redo everything on Windows should this not be working

Any suggestions/feedback appreciated

As a first a hearty welcome to the forum. Just realized you're an old user with a new login. :upside_down_face:
The place to be for any question regarding Elive. :nod:

Elive has multiple screens covered for a very long time and here's a screenshot of how that works:


Admittedly, I have no personal experience with a Thunderbolt Port but am fairly certain "arandr" has that covered too.

Yes, just run the live version without installing (yet) and see how it functions. :w00t:

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Thank you so much - I completely forgot the liveCD option. Will purchase/download the latest BETA later tonight and update here (in case any other user also have this question)


Thank you. Tested and working using LiveCD option. Still some minor hick-ups, but I will sort them out.