Before, the launcher or "bugs / issues" in the elive menus just went to the bugs website
Now, it has been replaced by a small tool that helps and guides the user to where and how to report the issue, feel free to improve the tool if needed
source /usr/lib/elive-tools/functions
guitool="$(which zenity) --window-icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/apps/logo-elive.png"
message_intro="$( printf "$( eval_gettext "Before reporting an issue, is very important to know to where report it, if you are unsure just use our forums so that we can guide you better. Remember that by reporting and fixing a bug you will be directly benefited from that and also everybody else facing the same problem." )" "" )"
message_option1="$( printf "$( eval_gettext "I have an issue with something specific to Elive" )" "" )"
message_option2="$( printf "$( eval_gettext "I have an issue with the desktop itself" )" "" )"
message_option3="$( printf "$( eval_gettext "I have an issue with an application independent to Elive" )" "" )"
message_option4="$( printf "$( eval_gettext "I have a problem with my hardware drivers" )" "" )"
message_option5="$( printf "$( eval_gettext "Help, guide me" )" "" )"
message_report_info_elive="$( printf "$( eval_gettext "Use the next page to report the issue. Tell us all the details we need to know to reproduce and fix it. For debating an issue use our forums instead." )" "" )"
$guitool --info --text="$message_intro"
This file has been truncated. show original
Small screenshot of running the tool:
Wait...can't they just post on the forum?
the tool is more like a "guide", sometimes a bug needs to be reported in the BTS, sometimes commented in the forum, sometimes to the E guys, etc... so its like a friendly guide before to report anything try it! (directly from the menus launcher)