New wallpapers for elive

As suggested by @triantares recently, the wallpapers in Elive "always looks the same" in each version, this is a big problem because even if Elive internally has a lot of work / changes (some of them listed on the release announcement changelog) people normally won't see any difference between one and next versions, so a good way to show "there's changes" is with a visual change like the wallpaper

So now there's a new feature, a selection of a bunch of wallpapers has been made to be the default one, each built version will pick a new one so all the versions will be defined by its wallpaper, it will be saved on /etc/elive/wallpaper/ so it can be changed if the user wants it, all the other wallpapers are kept as it was before so there's just a "change to the release-based-one on desktop-creation time"

So the next build will have this one (picked by the randomness of the universe):

mentions: @triantares @yoda @TheTechRobo @Rebel450