New wallpapers for elive

The wallpapers did not quite change since the first time i tried elive. But we got a new stable, a new beta and new DEs since back then.
So i was thinking it would be nice including some new unique wallpapers! Would you like me to share some pictures that could be used? I'm not a professional photographer but i think i have a few shots that may stand next to windows XP's cliff eheh
And they'd be absolutely exclusive to Elive.
Of course 4K ready too (not 8k, unluckily i don't have a 2500€ worth camera body :joy:), mostly 4:3 given the camera sensor ratio but ofc they can all be cut down to 16:9 easily.


Why not ?
Put up an example here and put a download link somewhere.
Personally I'd use a Creative Commons license if you do do that. :thinking:
Maybe put them up on deviantart?
I'm known there as "tribalape10" BTW. :happy:


Using one of my own paintings here as background on E23.

It can be downloaded here:



In a first place i was sure it was a top down picture taken from a drone :joy: Due to the colours that are pretty much like the ones of dried land.

Mmmh i know littles to nothing about licenses. I should give it a look


The same for me.... LOL


Well in fact they culminate my interest for archeology (I actually contemplated studying that but eventually chose arts) and old ships. :happy:
And both are made by adding sand to the paint and using naturals stuff like sisal.


As suggested by @triantares recently, the wallpapers in Elive "always looks the same" in each version, this is a big problem because even if Elive internally has a lot of work / changes (some of them listed on the release announcement changelog) people normally won't see any difference between one and next versions, so a good way to show "there's changes" is with a visual change like the wallpaper

So now there's a new feature, a selection of a bunch of wallpapers has been made to be the default one, each built version will pick a new one so all the versions will be defined by its wallpaper, it will be saved on /etc/elive/wallpaper/ so it can be changed if the user wants it, all the other wallpapers are kept as it was before so there's just a "change to the release-based-one on desktop-creation time"

So the next build will have this one (picked by the randomness of the universe):

mentions: @triantares @yoda @TheTechRobo @Rebel450


Just what the doctor ordered. :w00t:



Be careful with licensed images,
the Lions looks like an Apple Desktop wallpaper to me,
no offense - just a hint to avoid unnecessary problems ....



It is. It's free to download but it's not free to publish ..... careful. :face_with_head_bandage:
From the download site:

Do you think apple would sue? :thinking: maybe we should worry about that if Elive becomes much more known, or this can be a problem for users talking about the license thing...

looks like we don't break the rules? :thinking:

in fact I'm not fully convinced of this wallpaper (maybe i should remove it from the selected list) because it looks very apple'ish and people can say that elive wants to imitate apple ? :thinking:

we live in a world where lions are licensed and images have owners :rofl2:

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Oh yes we do.
I think it's best to get images from sites like "deviantart" where we can get permission from the owners.... or clearly with a CC license.

I've currently got this one in use from deviantart:

By matkraken, I also used his snowy_mountains a time ago

He has some very nice pieces.

He's Spanish spoken so I doubt there'll be any worries for you there. :smile_cat:


btw we should try to use external links in order to not grow much the size of the hosting (images), for now is good but i have seen in the past that was the biggest size of the forum

let me check these wallpapers from that link...

the wallpapers that I have selected comes from different places which i don't remember, but i think a few of them comes from an apple website (the directory is called like that), maybe i should remove these ones :thinking: (so bad, they looks so good)

Yeah, stick to sites with clear Creative Commons licenses .... where most wallpaper sites are not that in any way. They all do not take any responsibility for their content.

all these ones? they looked so good



stupid copyrighted & posessive world...

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I think that the 3rd on the top row is free.... I had that one somewhere. The rest I don't know but they look very Apple-like to me.
There's plenty of good photography on 'deviantart' too and if the owners wont allow downloading they're usually watermarked or blocked.

Also using i.e paintings of which the pictures are in the public realm are fine I used pics of Basquiat's work for E24

Yeah, I try to use 'imgur' when using 'flameshot' but sometimes I've got the image stashed somewhere. :madness:

I've got some of my own on:

Not that many (I really should upload more) but there are some very interesting deviants I watch. :innocent:


Imgur and DeviantArt are fine

And yes, Apple follows up, they got an own department for that.
Wallpapers used by Apple are licensed to / from National Geographic and for sure commercial.

Don't make a too big story out of this,
usually users will already have their own compilation -
Methinks ( :wink: )

Definitely under Apple / National Geographic license.

And yes,
it looks like we wanna copycat the Mac appearance;
do not give this impression to someone -

We are better than this.


= cool stuff man ! :love:

you can add this image: