New wallpapers for elive

Just added my screenshot using the background by Matkraken:

and of course my customized desktop using 'tint2' and 'plank' :madness:

And using a most minimalist background.

The E25 default background with the E from my icon set.

The image is here on deviantart:

Free to use, alter or distribute by anyone who feels like. :smile_cat:

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Looks like this an acceptable source (although not ultimately clear)


We have already a good selection now for many more releases :slight_smile: that's not an issue anymore

wallpapers is a delicate selection because of many factors:

  • should look good, powerful colors (high saturation) normally looks nicer
  • colors should not be too strong too, sometimes they feel too strong in the desktop
  • not too much elements in the wallpaper, this makes the visualization of elements (pagers, icons, etc) difficult
  • not too much contrast (especially strong whites or blacks), making the desktop confusing
  • colors evoke feelings, a very dark background can feel sad and a strong red can cause anxiety
  • emotion of the image: high-altitude wallpapers can feel vertigo, cold / rain ones can feel sadness, etc... we want positive emotions :slight_smile:
  • etc !

Um, I actually kind of understand why wallpapers can get copyrighted. Do you know how expensive and difficult it is to be a good photographer? People who give away photos under a permissive licence or for cheap are the exception, not the rule.


Yes, but this is exceptionally so for photographers.
Somehow many people would like to make a living by photographing but in most cases do not even get to that point....that's the whole problem.
People tend to think it's easy but taking good photos often, is extremely difficult.

3.8.28 probably like:


Feel free to use this one:

Higher-quality image:

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made by you? looks cool!

Yeah, I took the picture when out camping.

Took a bit of playing around with the aperture, angles, etc.

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It's interesting how people go about having a desktop wallpaper.

Either the monitor is a window into another reality (like the one @Thanatermesis shows) with a lot of depth or it's a slab of color with hardly any depth at all, like an abstract painting.

Which choice is ultimately personal but I sometimes do think that the wallpapers themselves take too much attention ..... away from the overall layout of the screen.
I think, recollecting a short discussion we had on that topic, that @IamElive agrees there. :innocent:

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Interesting that you bring that up. You do have a sharp memory and beautiful articulation.
I think the primary objective of the project dictates the background noise you are willing to entertain. I live in the two worlds you describe here :crazy_face:

Its like I have split pesonalities. My work desktop is bland grey or black with a few Icons, while my play desktop is psychadelic but of course with graphics conveying a subliminal message, feeling, deep introspection. So I will defend both sides because I understand the internal joy or serenity derived from either :innocent:


I changed a bit the default "email announcement" template for releases, quite improved I think...

Also I temporally added a screenshot of this actual release, which I'm pretty sure it will make people interact more with the email (will see results when the sending will be finished), not sure if i can keep maintaining / updating a new screenshot on each release but...


Updated my desktop! Road to Corno Grande in Abruzzo (Italy)

@Thanatermesis I have a lot of pictures that I took from Italian landscapes (and not only) that I think could be pretty much enjoyable backgrounds (most are in high resolution, around 20mpx, apart from few like this one that were taken with a canon 350D... Which is 8.2). Do you think they could be a nice addition so that you could have some new backgrounds for the distro? Me as a user I love whenever I get to have new and more options for my desktop wallpapers!


Yeah everyone is like "you got a DSLR ofc your pictures are nice"... Oh really? That's it? Damn I must be dumb, whenever I take a picture I need to overthink more than when I do a damn ER diagram before deploying a DB.

Is the light good? How much can I push over exposure so that the sensor can get more light without burning the picture itself?
It's so dark, how much can I push iso in these conditions without having noise only? How much small is the depth of field? Are thing alligned or I will have a subject on focus and the other not? Are shadows good enough? Did I set the capture speed too low and have it shaken?
Let's zoom 100% on the taken picture, has it micro-shake evidences? Is it perfectly on focus? Is everything readable? Is the subject set in a decent enough composition? Does it look dumb?

And then the same people saying that are like "oh, look, i took a beautiful picture" shows random sunset where the sun is a yellow ball, the sky is basically a flare and the horizon is not horizontal but 30°



E25'special'—it's not just some mountains—it's eMountains!

Sorry for necroing.