A slide show during install' to present/explain tips/softwares/qualities didn't necessary need a web connection!
And even with, say, 50 images, it can be quite light on the .iso ..!
Speaking here for non ß Elive, so "non variant for a while"; Or eventually just one web widget/page to tell about next stable release projects, current Alpha & ß works, bug fixes, new drivers or so...
yes, the idea will be to simply run a web browser with a link, which will be a slider (which is not created yet) that will display all these "features & welcome tips", similar as if we do it this way:
Another feature nice that the tool should have (i think that i have already listed it on the github issue) is to be able to set the dimensions of the window, let's say the previous command will open in a specific desired size
yes we will try to see if we can export them in order to be used offline too
I'm with tons of tasks at the same time and I cannot remember all the things to-do (thats why i use notes / tools), but tell me when these options on the widget are implemented so we can start experimenting with the slider
eventually im thinking into create a sandbox were volunteers can create sliders at their own without limit, and if they shows to be good ones, we can use them in both the website and/or the installer idea of sliding messages
this feature can be used also to create small tutorials or similar things, a welcome-steps thing, etc, but that's another topic for later...
that can be another option to add, "--shrink-if-needed" or something similar, but a fixed value should be good to pass as argument since the sliders can have a fixed size, in any case, many options available = many possibilities
hum, displaying a page on the browser can be done including a nice html and javascript animations without the need of deploying a web server (which is adding extra resources, dependencies, etc...)
Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of making use of javascript that way, not as much in just displaying.
That might be usefull to display the slideshow, especially because site.js runs the content of the directory it was started from i.e from the USB disk in this case.
Yeah, we could have a link to the latest version, but there is a cached one on disk. If there is no Internet connection, it will use the cached one, else it will use the online one.
Which includes a full GUI interface to create the sliders, then they can be exported in plain files to be played offline too
Get inspired by the videos seeing the possibilites and the GUI
I think we can even create interactive tutorials of how to use elive with this tool but an interactive tutorial may be a good amount of work to set up hum
exactly good idea about the cached version, i think that this can even be automated at build-time
Sort of a downside to that tool is that it requires a web server (wordpress) to run. It would require a local instance of one if there's to be a cached version to run from when there's no connection available.
Hence my proposal a while back, to have the installer widget/window run "webkit" and use "site.js".
The Midori browser by default loads a help file with wiki-like links to some startup information. That file is part of the installation content, so new users can access the quick start guide and FAQ topics even if they are not able to access a wireless Internet connection.
They have also already implemented E23. @Thanatermesis
We look to be losing momentum i.e others getting ideas done we've already opted for.
ok i didnt explained it correctly... we have already this tool, and it provides a full gui where to create the sliders, we only need to use it
example: the slider in the top of the homepage is created with it, and this page Installer module for Beta versions of Elive which was used for old elive versions (where installations required an installer-module, from a donation OR waiting the slider to finish to get it cost-free) also used this slider system
yes and no, the plugin is already installed and used in the elive website, I can create a "tests" website too if more people (us) are going to create slider animations, so we can create them from that temporal site. About the cached version, I think you can export them or even use "wget" to download it automatically-updated, in the worse situation we could only rely to the online version (90% of computers will have internet during install)
moksha is based strictly on e17 from what i know , and having e23 available is the same as we do at the moment
We look to be losing momentum i.e others getting ideas done we've already opted for.
Yes but other things needs to be finished first, before to start working on E23, like the entire website things, and the Wikipedia pages which are very important too
I was actually referring to their "welcome" screen that opens a quick-start and a wiki/FAQ page that is locally stored.
We actually have no way of knowing, do we?
I'm all pro a local webpage being shown inside the installer widget ...... 10% having a non-working slider or installer is a no-go IMO.
why not? a slider is not an important thing, just an extra "welcome/nice" experience, and in fact we have none at the moment - I mean, 90 % of users improved versus 0 % (actual mode) stills a gain
(but im not saying we will not have an offline version, is very probably we can have)
The question will be now, "how many people are able to spend time creating slider animations", this is of course a nice experience (playing with that toy) but if there's no people going to do it i won't spend time installing a wordpress website
we still have at the moment other things to do like the very-needed wikipedia page, elive translations is another thing where people can collaborate (much easier to reach, but i still need to rewrite the tool with fixes and improvements)
Note about the sliders: making them is a fun experience and can be used for anything (in fact you can create them for your own purpose too, like exporting them in html for your own use), but to include them in Elive needs to follow some common sense rules / standards, like:
the information shown needs to be relevant, clear, direct, simple, etc....
which means: a brainstorm needs to be made first of what to include on it
it needs to look visually good
which means: the screenshot elements needs to be made using a white background on the desktop, which allows to look nice when they are cut and pasted in a white background on the slider, feeling that the image is not cut but "free / flying"
visual effects are more than welcome, in order to give to the user a "wow" feeling, fortunately the slider features allows to do many amazing things, even 3D movements
is needed to know how it works the entire sliders interface in order to made them correctly and with all the possibilities / features we can
I could, but I still agree with @triantares. Maybe we can use e.g. a screen recorder and put the recording in the iso? And if you're on the internet it'll just do an iframe?
BTW, there was a nice tool that I found long time ago which I made a github fork just in case the code is lost , check it: Trickster Demo
follow the demo pages, its a tool to made presentations from web, so the widget of @triantares can be used it with, it can be used to create very easy and simple tutorials in a friendly way , of course the revolution-slider offers more possibilities but talking about "handy" tool (to create things) this one is a very good option to consider
A downside to "trickster" is that it is text only.
So that leaves both sliders with a major con.
Revolution slider will be no problem for the web-widget as long as there is a connection to the internet.
It is mucho fancier than trickster so I'd go by revoution as a first option with trickster as the fallback option (kept locally) when there's no connection.
Of course both should have a slightly similar sequence, as to content.
I'm sure trickster can be automated if we want to do that.
But first things first:
We need a start on content:
...... I'm being cautious to offer help here (eventually I always do), not wanting others to think: "Oh, triantares has that covered, why should I bother.". I'll definitely help out but I'm not taking on the whole job.
ATM I'm working my ass off trying to keep up with the doubled transport demand (oats, Yes, your breakfast cereals too) so hardly any time to take on extra chores, for the time being.