Tried to for the first time ever donate to a Linux project. But when I click on the PayPal button I get a message that “This recipient is currently unable to receive money.”
I’m not planning to sign up with any other services since I’ve had my PayPal account for years. But I’d still like to donate since Elive has always been a favorite distro of mine to play with.
Thanks @Shades for your support which is crucial for this project
Unfortunately paypal blocked the account due to verification rules, this makes the entire account unable to be used and also to receive donations (this is a very bad practice from their side IMHO, for just verification purposes)
Also seems like some things changed in paypal and I cannot use also the secondary paypal account temporally
The actual status of the paypal account is: they wants a bank statement to verify the holder (but there's no bank statements in paper so...?)