Release announcements: header of email

The header of the email is the most important content, because is the one that makes a user OPEN the email or not, emails are opened in a basis of 24% of people opening the emails about elive releases, which is a good amount

So the header needs to be attractive, want to know / open it, some people are using everyday more the "icons" in the headers but I don't like too much this concept (can make people "hate" more the emails and thus unsubscribe), by other side I recently changed it with the sub-contents to be more intriguing, the part about "many features including...", so the result was:

Today I received an update of the email (newsletter) plugin for the website, and I liked how it showed up, do we should change the header of the elive release announcements to this one?

which one you found more attracting to be opened?

  • elive previous header
  • elive previous header but adding an icon
  • xaver like header
  • xaver like header but without the icon
0 voters

I think any change is good to get attention.
What we really need is a blog like addition/story or link to keep things interesting ..... as well as contained images/screenshots .... even pics of mock-ups or the terminal running a command, anything.


At first I think you're talking about the Subject. The header is more important that the recipient is getting the email :wink: (Yes, nobody likes a know-it-all. But I really doesn't understood the point until the end.)

As you all assume, I don't like icons/emoticons in Texts. I'm reading a preview of a mail at my Smartwatch (Garmin Fenix). There is only a square box, no further information. So every square box is one character less information. I really need to check if mutt will display them in the tty.
On the other hand it is such common for a plenty of newsletter, so it doesn't bother me. Opposuit started a few month ago, strava is popular, Dethleffs, Babbel and even my bank (Sparkasse) is using icons in the header, today. (I'm really too much into Email Newsletter).

What I really like is the [summary] (new release in your screenshot)part. It is good to filter mails. Not only spam, I can see in my inbox, in my folder \elive\releases, there is a new message. apart from elive\ where mostly forum announces went.