I've noticed that not only does not "/etc/elive-release" not update it's version number despite running "apug" and "elive-health" regularly ..... it also does not set the kernel correctly.
On my system:
uname -a
Linux antares-ThinkPad-X1 5.3.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.3.9-2~bpo10+1 (2019-11-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux
~ ❯❯❯ cat /etc/elive-version
elive-codename: alpha
elive-version: 3.7.16
debian-version: buster
date-builded: 2019-10-12
stable-release: no
kernel: 5.2.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
Nor the other version file.
~ ❯❯❯ cat /etc/lsb-release.elive
<# Important: The values should be the correct ones for Elive, but if you enable them it will break some debian stuff like update-notifier, update-manager-gnome, add-apt-repository, steam, and many others... - So better to stick at a Debian / buster compatible system
#DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Elive alpha 3.7.16 (Debian buster 10.1)"
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Elive alpha 3.7.16"
I think this requires some attention.