Remove gui so i only have a terminal

How can i remove gui so i only have a terminal. I have latest version of elive 64bits e16

It depends what you mean by that.

  1. If you want to shut down all GUI instances and go down to a (root) command line prompt, just do "sudo telinit 1"
  2. If you want to have your machine boot into command-line (CML), follow the same procedure as here: Lost password in CentOS - #2 by triantares
  3. On a running machine just hit "Ctrl+Alt+F1" to get into a terminal, log in with your usual user credentilas and go about your business.
    Hit "Ctrl+Alt+F7" to get back into the GUI. :innocent:

I want to make the os more lightway, so i decided to get rid of the desktop.

Removing a GUI is a rather akward way of "lightening" an OS. You'd be left with all sorts of unneeded libraries and such.
Still not very clear what you'd wanting to achieve with an Elive that minimal .... where a minimal Debian would do practically the same....excepting the default "zsh" and missing "elive-tools".

IMO if you really want a very simple Elive it would be easier to "elivize" a minimal Debian by using the Elive-server installation.

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There's many gui applications installed by default, if you want to remove all this you may want instead to remove one main xorg lib which will remove all of them, but I don't think is a good idea because of possible dependencies... not using the apps will not make your system use more resources, just some size used in your hard disk which should not have any impact

A simpler option is to disable the lightdm (login manager) to have no graphical system startup when booting