So I want to develop with EFLs (mainly for making an Elive-centric control panel). I copy paste the sample code from their hello world GUI tutorial, and one of the header files (eina) isn't found. So I go to install libeina-dev...
On current Elive there's a lot of stuff that has e16 specific stuff and on top:
Chances are that EFL as shown on the Enlightenment pages is E17 centric and hasn't been updated in a while.
You stumbled on THE big Enlightenment Achilles heel : It's incredibly hard to start something as a newby because most docs are either outdated or not available at all or worse, non-existant.
Not so sure you need those capabilities for Virtualbox but you could also run Extlight as a live system or as dual boot and test from there.
I'd use/try the live version and see if that will install (or already has) the needed libeina-dev.
Chances are that wont work either .... I don't know, I never tried.
Don't if you don't need to: It takes forever to download (from sourceforge), only has a few programs pre-installed, it requires "connman-gtk" to be called to connect and does not know "libeina-dev"albeit "libeinala" is known.
You are talking to the guy who is supposed to get 5mbps, actually gets 3mbps, and whose computers turn that into anywhere from 60-400 KBps (but mostly 60-200) stupid bell
no, you don't need to install libeina or any EFL dependency in Elive, all of them are included in libefl-dev, you don't need extra packages that are listed on howtos
just try the source codes in your Documents dir (live mode demo files), they are opened in scite, so from it click in the "build" or "run" button, you will see that they directly compiles and runs the efl gui app