Hello, I'm using elive on chuwi surface clone and it fits very well. One problem is the touch screen does not work for elive, but works out of the box for lubuntu.
I have added the silead firmware to /lib/firmware/silead but I don't see any attempt to load. This has worked on previous ubuntu installs, though 22.04 does not require the firmware at all.
does anyone know if the kernel has support compiled in or if there may be some other problem?
Before we jump to premature conclusions, it might be wise to find out which version of Elive @mechtron is using.
On a side note:
To activate the firmware the module will have to be loaded.
Meaning "sudo modprobe silead" to test if it works, after which (if successful) it can be added to /etc/modules for the next boot.
This was meant for the period of time before 3.8.30 was cooked and available, i.e testing.
So while this switching does work and is reasonably safe (albeit definitely not "idiot proof") .......
The best way, all in all is a totally fresh install (or an upgrade using the .iso) to see what's there and what/how it works.
There's a lot of scripts, refinements, package choices and settings that are different to the Buster version which, in the case of switching repos, will not get installed or set-up correctly.
OTOH this switching repos is a sure-fire way of keeping your current installation 100% "as is".
I did a clean install of 3.8.30 and had a crack at compiling the silead module from GitHub - sigboe/gslX68X: Kernel space driver for Silead touch screen digitizers.
It compiled ok and installs. lsmod shows it installed, but no mention of loading the firmware and the touch does not work.
The module is about 20k in size, compared to 25k for the ubuntu module, so I'm guessing the source comes from somewhere else.
finger as mouse only. I have not really tried pinch and multi-touch yet.
I have tried the pen digitiser quickly and the results were disappointing enough to decide that I would not experiment further until I had time and a need.