Suggestions for better hour-configurator and brightness keys

Playing around with my different laptops I personally found 2 things I'd like to be different.

  1. "Hour-configurator" (i.e "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata") does not work correctly on some machines (especially if there's no network and/or the BIOS is set to UTC) and maybe should be replaced by "timedatectl set-timezone"and "timedatectl set-time".
    Do we need to create a GUI for that or is there already something for it? :thinking:

  2. For a better Ux I'd advise to have more jumps by default (i.e incremental changes) when raising or lowering screen-brightness.
    IMO 10% is too crude/jumpy where 5% would feel smoother and allow for a darker lowest brightness (5%).
    It's easy enough for me to edit .e16/bindings.cfg and alter that ...... I'm thinking about what a new user, who has never seen Elive-Retro-E16 would feel when using the dedicated keys.

Any thoughts?

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Just added an extra binding as you suggest for brightness, so now:

  • using the "windows" key + the keys "plus" and "minus" in the numpad (if you have it), makes the volume decrease / increase
  • and since the next build (3.8.31) if you press the shift key also, it will adjust the brightness

oh, i was confused by the title / contents (thinking it was a single topic), in fact I was thinking you were talking about an automatic "reduce brightness on night" concept :thinking: ... but in fact that doesn't sounds like a bad idea! :idea:

code for your e16 bindings:

KeyDown   S4        KP_Add                exec sudo -n brightnessctl -s 5%+
KeyDown   S4        KP_Subtract           exec sudo -n brightnessctl -s 5%-

Frankly I didn't suggest an extra binding but (as most laptops have dedicated keys) to bring the changes down to 5% instead of 10% (which is too crude IMO)

My default fresh install setting is:

KeyDown    - XF86MonBrightnessUp exec sudo -n brightnessctl s 10%+
KeyDown    - XF86MonBrightnessDown exec sudo -n brightnessctl s 10%-

which I change to '5%+' and '5%-' :grinning:

not so easy, I have a borrowed computer (a lenovo screen which is a complete computer) that simply has an external keyboard connected, the screen is really bright, but there's no hotkeys on this keyboard for change the brightness, even if is not a laptop the brightness can be changed, so it was the only way (or use commands), an extra hotkey doesn't hurt or have any impact unless the combo wants to be used for something else :slight_smile:

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Ah yes, the Helix2.
Now you know why I was always hammering at wanting a virtual keyboard available for the 'lightdm' log-in screen. :innocent:

BTW, did your audio work OOTB?
I'm still troubleshooting does work with Manjaro, though. :thinking:

Update: After mucking around, it seems to be a Bullseye issue i.e the Broadwell-U audiocard does not work (yet). A thing to be remebered. :frowning:

2 posts were split to a new topic: Issue with audio card, doesn't play on my speakers

A post was merged into an existing topic: Issue with audio card, doesn't play on my speakers