The Enlightenment (E24+) future we envision

E17 isn't really possible at the moment.
There are some trials and proof of concep (by @Thanatermesis) to get it working with a newer Debian base but for now nothing really fit to publicize.
Other E*s are just older versions of current Enlightenment. The Elive version is always the latest and greatest, cutting edge version.

Kewl. Sorry to waste your time, but thank you for the info.

As @triantares mentioned, the last isos of elive are the most usable and featured results of Elive, but still offering other E versions avaiable from the repos, the "enlightenment" package offers the latest E which should be the way go to, if you want an e17 you can try e17-moksha package which is the most usable version of it but remember that they are not ready for the final usage, you must customize everything yourself and deal with unknown things and maybe possible bugs, in any case it doesn't hurts to have them installed so you can switch from one desktop to another from the login selector, or even better, create a new user for these tests, press "ctrl + space" and type "user switch", then login in the new user selecting the different enlightenment version from the top-right corner buttons, you can switch back and forth your normal user and this one using "ctrl + alt + F7" and F8 for the other user

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