Hola una seria limitacion en cuanto a las ventanas. me explico NO se puede reducir los bordes de una ventana como en otras distribuciones pienso que es el entorno grafico "per se" que no tiene esa caracteristica activa en otros GUI ( entornos Graficos) . Por esta razon tengo a EliveOS como un OS "experimental" en una laptop aparte y no como principal sistema Operativo. Si me gusta este OS y creo que se puede mejorar. Y debemos apoyar este proyecto. Porque promete mucho a futuro, tanto por su belleza como su velocidad y por su excelente bajo consumo de recursos. Saludos.
¿Puede aclararme por favor? ¿No puedes reducir los bordes de una ventana? ¿Es esta la ventana completa que desea reducir o solo el espacio alrededor de la ventana?
El tamaño de la ventana se puede cambiar con el ratón haciendo clic cerca de la esquina inferior derecha. Pero para el espacio alrededor de la ventana, creo que está controlado por el "tema".
Espero que esté claro porque mi español no es muy bueno. Este grupo generalmente conversar en inglés.
Yes, Excuse my english I am using google translator
Well, my experience in this graphic environment is not much to begin with. And secondly, I don't know if the fact of using Elive on a small 11 "screen laptop is the problem because it is a modest device. And maybe on a bigger screen this GUI is better handled. Anyway, I discovered the way. effectively reducing the screen although in the case of using for example the Bleachbleat application it is at least on my netbook a bit difficult to reduce the lower edge (bottom). In the case of the Firefox browser I can reduce it. I mean specifically with "reduce the frame" so that you understand better. But Install Sound converter, you will have to open the program - then there will be configuration again - open configuration [ another square]- you will notice that reducing the frame is very difficult in this application. At least in this one I don't know how to do it. But I will continue testing Elive. If I have another question I will inform you. Thank you for the prompt reply. Greetings.
Note: I mean to reduce the box - its borders - to make it smaller, be it from an application a folder (like Home, although this can be reduced) or the Browser too.
The trick is to do a Ctrl, Alt and right-click anywhere in the window of the program you want to resize, a right-click on the top window bar or a single click on the blue button top-left ..... which will open a new menu including options for "Window Size" as well as "Remember" to keep the settings for a next time.
We have a tutorial (in English) that has some pointers on how to handle E16 which might be helpful too:
I am very happy that it is working now! Thanks!!!